
故事行銷聖經:好 塢編劇教父在反廣告時代最關鍵的指引 Storynomics: Story-Driven Marketing in the Post-Advertising World【電子書籍】 羅伯特.麥基(Robert McKee) 湯瑪斯.格雷斯(Thomas Gerace)Storynomics【電子書籍】 Robert McKeeStorynomics: Story-Driven Marketing in the Post-Advertising World STORYNOMICS Robert McKeeSummary of Robert McKee Thomas Gerace 039 s Storynomics【電子書籍】 Everest MediaStorynomics Story-Driven Marketing in the Post-Advertising World【電子書籍】 Thomas Gerace


  • <p>「麥基堪稱是大師的大師。」<br /> ーー《魔戒電影三部曲》導演彼得.傑克森(Peter Jackson)</p> <p>◆Nike、微軟、惠普、60+奧斯?得主、200+艾美獎得主的幕後推手<br /> ◆傳奇故事大師X?容行銷先驅的跨界融合</p> <p>Google即將封鎖12種網路廣告,Netflix、Spotify、YouTube等皆推出可跳過廣告的升級服務,當數以百萬的消費者正在掀起一股反廣告浪潮,全球將有近五百億美元的廣告遭到封鎖,此時最一?必殺的商業策略,就是最牽動人心的故事!</p> <p>看似平凡的Ariel洗衣精,<br /> 如何發想出讓臉書營運長雪柔.桑徳柏格(Sheryl Sandberg)大力讚賞的廣告?<br /> 沒有明星加持的多芬沐浴乳廣告,如何締造令人動容的上億觀看量?<br /> 唯有故事,可以讓品牌從令人無感的模糊印象中?穎而出!</p> <p>曾作育?多奧斯?獎與艾美獎得主的好?塢編劇教父ーー羅伯特.麥基(Robert McKee),指導了Nike、皮克斯、迪士尼甚至《魔戒》導演,<br /> 他如何將創造數十億票房的?故事精髓,運用在鼓動購買、凝聚員工,甚至號召投資?他與哈佛出身的數位行銷先驅湯瑪斯.格雷斯(Thomas Gerace),共同發想出未來行銷困境的解決方案,告訴行銷人如何...


  • <p>Estamos hechos de relatos y, hoy m?s que nunca, aprender a transmitirlos es la v?a m?s efectiva para entusiasmar y atrapar la atenci?n del p?blico. Este libro re?ne el talento de dos genios en el tema.</p> <p>Robert McKee es el gur? del guionismo. Reconocidos dramaturgos, escritores y directores creativos ーentre ellos las mentes maestras detr?s de Breaking Bad, The Crown o El lobo de Wall Streetー han tomado el seminario de este autor del que se desprende <em>El guion,</em> la biblia para quien desee contar una gran an?cdota con maestr?a.</p> <p>En <em>Storynomics</em>, McKee se une a Tom Gerace, experto en marketing digital, quien ha asesorado con ?xito a organizaciones como Samsung, Microsoft, Nike, IBM y Phillips. Basados en estrategias de storytelling y estudios de mercado, los autores crearon el concepto storynomics: el arte de vender a trav?s de contar una historia contundente.</p> <p>No importa si se trata de anuncios en redes, una publicaci?n period...


  • STORYNOMICS Robert McKee Thomas Gerace GRAND CENTRAL PUBL2018 Hardcover English ISBN:9781538727935 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics


  • <p>Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The history of advertising is long and complicated, but it all started with newspapers. As the popularity of these publications grew, so did their revenue. As a result, they were able to lower their subscription costs, which allowed them to sell more papers. #2 The first completely ad-supported media was television, which began in the 1940s. It outperformed all other media because it combined mass reach, a rich visual medium for messaging, and guaranteed audience attention. #3 In 2006, the cost of targeted online video ads surpassed that of television advertising, because pre-roll ads on YouTube and interrupt ads on Hulu guaranteed viewership and online delivery allowed more powerful ad targeting. #4 By 2005, broadband adoption in the home surpassed dial-up in the United States. With this faster connection came a game changer for consumers: choice.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらく...


  • <p><strong>Based on the hottest, most in-demand seminar offered by the legendary story master Robert McKee -- <em>Storynomics</em> translates the lessons of storytelling in business into economic and leadership success.</strong></p> <p>Robert McKee's popular writing workshops have earned him an international reputation. The list of alumni with Academy Awards and Emmy Awards runs off the page. The cornerstone of his program is his singular book, <em>Story</em>, which has defined how we talk about the art of story creation.</p> <p>Now in <em>Storynomics</em>, McKee partners with digital marketing expert and Skyword CEO Tom Gerace to map a path for brands seeking to navigate the rapid decline of interrupt advertising. After successfully guiding organizations as diverse as Samsung, Marriott International, Philips, Microsoft, Nike, IBM, and Siemens to transform their marketing from an ad-centric to story-centric approach, McKee and Gerace now bring this knowledg...
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