supply chain

The Operational Audit Blueprint: Definitions, Internal Audit Programs, and Checklists for Success Supply Chain Sales and Marketing 1【電子書籍】 SALIH AHMED ISLAMThe Quintessence of Supply Chain Management What You Really Need to Know to Manage Your Processes in Procurement, Manufacturing, Warehousing and Logistics【電子書籍】 Rolf G. PoluhaGlobal Supply Chain Management and International Logistics【電子書籍】 Alan E. BranchBROSKI AND SUPPLY (CHAIN)リュック バックパック カバン 鞄 防水レザー 防水 レザー 本革 革 ブロスキーアンドサプライ プライベート ビジネスシーン 仕事 カジュアル 1680D Durable高密度ナイロン チェイン 16インチ PC 本革 牛革Power, Participation, and Private Regulatory Initiatives Human Rights Under Supply Chain Capitalism【電子書籍】Supply Chain Resilience Reconceptualizing Risk Management in a Post-Pandemic World【電子書籍】【正規取扱店】【特典付き】スタンダードサプライ STANDARD SUPPLY PAL KEY CASE キーケース シンプル レディース メンズ ユニセックス コンパクト チェーン付き カードケース コインケース 小銭入れ 日本製 定番Agent Based Approach For Supply Chain Management【電子書籍】 Dr. M S UppinLogistics and Supply Chain Management Logistics Supply Chain Management【電子書籍】 Martin ChristopherThe New Science of Retailing How Analytics are Transforming the Supply Chain and Improving Performance【電子書籍】 Marshall FisherSupply Chain Management. by Knowledge flow【電子書籍】 Knowledge flowBROSKI AND SUPPLY ブロスキーアンドサプライ メンズ バッグ バックパック ビジネスバッグ リュック 防水 ブラック/黒 CHAIN -BLACK-BD HT KEY CLIP キーホルダー キーチェーン BOUNDARY SUPPLY/バウンダリーサプライ 送料無料Operations and Supply Chain Management Essentials You Always Wanted to Know【電子書籍】 Vibrant PublishersStrategic Supply Chain Management【電子書籍】 Carlos Cord nSupply Chain Revolution How Blockchain Technology Is Transforming the Global Flow of Assets【電子書籍】【3大特典付!当店限定】BROSKI AND SUPPLY CHAIN 防水 本革リュック BBOM-1234(ブロスキーアンドサプライ Chain チェーン リュック バックパック レザー 高機能 高級感 ポケット 防水レザー ビジネス ミニマル メンズ)【送料無料】【ASU】【POD】A guide to create Secure throughout the supply chain, from design to maintenance. Hiroyuki WatanabeFood Supply Chain Management【電子書籍】Supply Chain Financing: Funding The Supply Chain And The Organization【電子書籍】 Dale S Rogers


  • <p>"The Operational Audit Blueprint: Definitions, Internal Audit Programs, and Checklists for Success ? Supply Chain & Sales and Marketing" is an indispensable guide for anyone seeking to improve their organization's operational processes through operational auditing.</p> <p>This book provides a comprehensive overview of operational auditing, including the tools and techniques used by internal auditors to evaluate operational processes. It also emphasizes the importance of audit programs and checklists in achieving success.</p> <p>Contents of the book:</p> <p>Supply Chain</p> <p>Demand Planning</p> <p>Purchasing</p> <p>Tendering</p> <p>Import</p> <p>Inventory</p> <p>Third-Party Labor Contractor</p> <p>Warehouse Management</p> <p>Purchase-to-Pay Cycle Data Analytics</p> <p>Sales & Marketing</p> <p>Sales Management</p> <p>Sales Performance And Monitoring</p> <p>Product Development</p> <p>Pricing And Discount</p> <p>...


  • <p>This book describes the fundamentals of Supply Chain Management in clear and concise terms. It explains why in the near future real competition is going to be between supply chains and what the consequences will be. Managers and decision-makers will be able to build on their business’s competitive advantage with the essentials provided in this work. The focus here is upon what you really need to know in order to optimally manage your processes in procurement, manufacturing, warehousing and logistics. In addition to a wealth of illustrations and examples, valuable suggestions for further expansive reading are included. Essential insights are provided into how to analyse and evaluate the supply chain, based upon key aspects from research and practice, which helps readers to initiate their own optimisation processes.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページ...


  • <p>The development of international trade is driven by international logistics and management and the provision of the global supply chain. The ultimate objective of global supply chain management is to link the market place, distribution network, manufacturing/processing/assembly process, and procurement activity in such a way that customers are serviced at a higher level yet lower cost. Overall this has introduced a new breed of management in a computer literate environment operating in a global infrastructure.</p> <p>Addressing this complex topic, Alan Branch's new book fulfills two clear objectives:</p> <ul> <li>to provide a concise, standard work on the subject, written in lucid language that embraces all the ingredients of a notoriously complex subject with a strategic focus</li> <li>to extol best practices and focus on all areas of the industrial and consumer sectors and their interface with changing international market needs.</li> </ul> <p>Until now, n...


  • 雨でも晴れでも決まる 防水本革スリムバッグ シンプルで洗練されたデザインに、充実した収納性能を秘めたCHAIN(チェーン)。本革のバッグに対する重い、水に弱い、お手入れが大変といった不安も、CHAINが解消します。本革が持つ上質さと耐久性を兼ね備え、水にも強く、お手入れも簡単。スリムながら収納力もあり、ビジネスだけでなく日常やトラベルまで、あなたの毎日をスマートに演出してくれます。 【Point.01】圧倒的にスリムなバックパック 通学・通勤でも使いやすいようにマチを最小限にしたミニマムなデザインが特徴です。 【Point.02】自社開発の防水本革を使用 吸いつくようなしなやかな肌触り、主張し過ぎない光沢感を出した防水レザー。なめし剤に独自の防水剤をブレンドし、革本来の質感を保ったまま強力な防水性、撥水性を持たせました。水染みのような跡が残ることもありませんので、雨の日でも安心してご愛用いただけます。また、ファスナーといった細部に至るまで防水性を最大限に。一般的なファスナーよりも水が侵入しづらい、止水ファスナーを採用し、カバンの中の荷物を雨から守ります。 【Point.03】16インチPC収納可能 驚きの収納力 スリムな形状に驚...


  • <p>From unsafe working conditions in garment manufacturing to the failure to consult indigenous communities with regard to extractive industries that affect them, human rights violations remain a pervasive aspect of the global economy. Advocates have long called upon states, as the primary duty bearers and enforcers of human rights, to hold corporations directly accountable for violations committed throughout the supply chain. More recently, many business and human rights advocates have considered the development and enforcement of private regulatory initiatives (PRIs) to certify that actors along the supply chain conform to certain codes of conduct. Many advocates see these PRIs as holding the potential to create better outcomesーwhether for workers, affected communities, or the environmentーwithin a global economy structured by supply chain capitalism.</p> <p>This volume brings together academics and practitioners from a number of regions throughout the world to engage in th...


  • <p>This book provides insights from research and practice in how organizations were able to sustain resilience in their global supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic and to advance the understanding of supply chain risk management. The chapters highlight the lessons learned, insist on new models for resilience, suggest improved supply chain risk methodologies and bridge the gap between research and practice. It helps readers acquire greater knowledge, strategic approaches, new methods, and practical tools for ensuring global supply chain resilience.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • STANDARD SUPPLY(スタンダードサプライ)PAL KEY CASE / キーケース ちょっとしたお出かけはこれ一つでコンパクトで機能的なキーケース "頼りになる相棒のような、仲の良い友達のようでありたい" そんな思いが込められた『PAL』シリーズから、手のひらサイズのコンパクトなチェーン付きキーケースのご紹介です。ミニマルなデザインと機能性が備わっているキーケース。カードケースや小銭入れとしても使えて、必要なものを最小限に持ち運ぶことができます。本体にはイタリア製の牛革を使用。クロームなめしの特性を生かしたソフトな風合いで、手にしなやかに馴染みます。ちょっとそこまでのお出かけやお買い物にちょうどいいサイズ感と機能性。日々の生活がちょっと身軽になる便利なアイテムです。 トップ写真 : ライトベージュ カラー : ライトグレー 外に取り出し可能なチェーン付きのダブルリング仕様。車の鍵など大きいサイズの鍵を付ける場合は、外に出したままにするのも◎ カラー : グレー 柔らかい質感と透明感のある発色が特徴的なレザーキーケース。とことんシンプルにこだわり、手馴染みがよく使いやすいデザインです。 手のひらサイズなので、ポケットにもすっ...


  • <p>The book is concerned with the application of basic concepts of Agent-based technology for the flow of information between various components of the supply chain formed for a manufacturing organization with following objectives:</p> <p>? Identifying issues related to sharing information as the most critical factor in supply chain activities</p> <p>? Addressing problems associated with sharing information both within and between different organizations</p> <p>? Sharing effective information by formulating an agent-based framework for supply chain management activities</p> <p>? To enhance the effectiveness of Supply chain management activities</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>The full text downloaded to your computer</strong></p> <p>With eBooks you can:</p> <ul> <li>search for key concepts, words and phrases</li> <li>make highlights and notes as you study</li> <li>share your notes with friends</li> </ul> <p><strong>eBooks</strong> are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps.</p> <p>Upon purchase, you will receive via email the code and instructions on how to access this product.</p> <p><strong>Time limit</strong></p> <p>The <strong>eBooks</strong> products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.</p> <p>Effective development and management of supply chain networks helps businesses cut costs and enhance customer value. This updated 5th edition is a clear guide to all the key top...


  • <p>Retailers today are drowning in data but lacking in insight: They have huge volumes of information at their disposal. But they're unsure of how to sort through it and use it to make smart decisions. The result? They're struggling with profit-sapping supply chain problems including stock-outs, overstock, and discounting.</p> <p>It doesn't have to be that way. In <em>The New Science of Retailing</em>, supply chain experts Marshall Fisher and Ananth Raman explain how to use analytics to better manage your inventory for faster turns, fewer discounted offerings, and fatter profit margins.</p> <p>Featuring case studies of retailing exemplars from around the world, this practical new book shows you how to:</p> <p>・ Mine your sales data to identify "homerun" products you're missing</p> <p>・ Reinvent your forecasting and pricing strategies</p> <p>・ Build end-to-end agility into your supply chain</p> <p>・ Establish incentives that align your supply chain p...


  • <p>★★★★★LEARNING STARTS WITH VIEWING THE WORLD DIFFERENTLY.★★★★★</p> <p>Knowledge flow- A mobile learning platform provides Apps and Books.</p> <p>Knowledge flow provides learning book of Supply Chain Management. This book is for all management and commerce students and professionals across the world. Supply chain manages the flow of goods and services. This Supply Chain Management book covers all key concepts of supply chain such as supply chain drivers, strategies, channels etc.</p> <p>Contents:</p> <ol> <li>Introduction to Supply Chain Management</li> <li>Supply Chain Drivers</li> <li>Sourcing Strategy</li> <li>Distribution Strategy</li> <li>Inventory Strategy</li> <li>Distribution Channels</li> <li>Role of IT in SCM</li> <li>Economic Order Quantity Model</li> <li>Opportunity areas in Supply Chain</li> <li>Future Challenges in SCM</li> </ol> <p>To find more education books, visit here</p>画面...


  • ※お使いのモニター及び環境により商品の色・形状が正しく表示されない場合がございます。 [BBOM-1234]シンプルで洗練されたデザインに、充実した収納性能を秘めたモデル、CHAIN(チェーン)。本革が持つ上質さと耐久性を兼ね備え、水にも強く、お手入れも簡単に行えます。その上、スリムながら収納力をあるという特長から、ビジネスシーンに特に適しています。ポケットのサイズや位置、ポケットに使う部材も1つずつ丁寧にデザインをしています。取り出すことが多い場所のポケットにはメッシュ素材を使い、中身を見やすく。16インチのPCが入るポケットには衝撃を吸収するクッション性のある素材を採用しています。バッグの上下に横33cmほどの大型の芯材をいれ、型崩れを防止。さらに、平たい四角のシルエットから立体感が出て、シンプルながらも美しい形状を実現しています。※商品実物と画面上では、多少色味が異なる場合がございます。-BROSKI AND SUPPLY(ブロスキーアンドサプライ)-「Work」、「Play」、「Utility」をテーマに、Urban outdoor styleを提案する日本ブランド。『umbrella WATER PROOF LEATHER』:吸いつくようなしなやかな肌触り、主張し過ぎない光沢感。特...


  • HT KEY CLIP [BOUNDARY SUPPLY/バウンダリーサプライ] HTキークリップは、すべてのBoundaryパック内にドッキングする当社の特徴的な磁気ポートを備えた機能的なレーザーカットHypalonキーチェーンです。アルミニウムのGフックはラッシュとベルトループにしっかりと取り付けられ、Hypalonは鍵が後ろのポケットに収まるように十分な長さです。 アルミニウムのGフックはラッシュとベルトループにしっかりと取り付けられ、Hypalonは鍵が後ろのポケットに収まるように十分な長さです。 HTキークリップは、すべてのBoundaryパック内にドッキングする当社の特徴的な磁気ポートを備えた機能的なレーザーカットHypalonキーチェーンです。 耐久性のあるアルミニウム製のゲート付きフックでしっかりと取り付けられます。 BOUNDARY SUPPLY/バウンダリーサプライ 技術革新によって高機能な製品を作りたいという意図から生まれたアメリカのブランドです。お客様、工場労働者、環境を第一に考え、そのために創造性、革新的なデザインを通じて地域社会に影響を与えることを目指しています。 設計、生産、流通モデルのあらゆる側面は、消費者と環境を念頭に置いて実行されています。機能重視...


  • <p>*** <strong>Best suited for Managers, Supply Chain Experts or curious Laypersons</strong> ***</p> <p><strong>After reading this book, you will be able to answer the following questions:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>What is Operations and Supply Chain Management and why is it important?</strong></li> <li><strong>What are the key functions within this field, and how do they interact with one another and the broader business?</strong></li> <li><strong>What are the responsibilities and decisions that managers in each functional area think about?</strong></li> <li><strong>How will disruptions in the Supply Chain impact the business world and our lives?</strong></li> </ul> <p>Have you ever wondered what your peers meant by "Supply Chain" or "Operations", or why either of these fields matter? What about people that work in these roles - what do they actually do? In <strong>Operations and Supply Chain Management Essentials</strong...


  • <p>The supply chain is at the heart of every successful business organization's decision-making process. This textbook explains how to create a winning supply chain management strategy by spotlighting how senior executives in European and US companies have turned their supply chains into strategic weapons designed to convert threats, risks and outside pressures into competitive advantages.</p> <p><em>Strategic Supply Chain Management</em> contains twenty real-world cases, all of which have been field researched by a top author team and tested out in the classroom. Each case adopts an executive leadership perspective to illuminate the real dilemmas faced by managers. The authors draw on their extensive classroom and industry experience to ensure that the writing style is geared towards an executive education readership.</p> <p>This elite case package will provide a complete teaching resource and authentic learning experience for MBA and executive education classes in Su...


  • <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has taken precious lives and devastated the global economy. It has also revealed chinks in our supply chains. Not only have manufacturers found themselves scrambling unsuccessfully to find new suppliers when their Asian sources shut down, but the Western world has experienced across-the-board shortages of essential consumer packaged goods for the first time in decades. Blockchain technology has the potential to minimize these kinds of pandemic disruptions.In this book, some of the world's top experts show how blockchainーin combination with other innovations such as additive manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Thingsーcan address longstanding problems that make the business of getting goods to customers so slow and expensive, especially in crises. Today's supply chains are complex, as they move resources through trucks, planes, boats, and trains. Too many parties rely on a hodgepodge of documents and intermediaries to do business, w...


  • ITEM SPEC メーカー・ブランド BROSKI AND SUPPLY(ブロスキー アンド サプライ) 商品名 ブロスキーアンドサプライ CHAIN 防水本革リュック BBOM−1234 ジャンル リュック・デイパック カラー・デザイン ブラック(MANI-BBOM-1234) サイズ 幅:29cm高さ:42cmマチ:8cm 素材 防水本革(牛革)1680D Durable高密度ナイロン 容量 9.75L 重量 1180g 仕様 PCポケット搭載(16インチ対応) 生産国 バングラディシュ 注意事項 ※天然皮革の為、表面に生来のキズ、色むら、こすれ、シワなどがある場合がございますが、天然素材の特性としてご理解ください。 ※完全防水を必要とする用途には適しておりません。※複数店舗を運営しておりますため、ご注文の入れ違い等で欠品などになってしまう場合がございます。万が一、発送が遅れる場合は、ご注文受付当日中にご案内差し上げます。誠に恐れ入りますがご了承くださいますよう、お願い申し上げます。※ご予約・お取り寄せ商品は、ご注文受付後にお客様ご注文分としてメーカーへ発注を致します為、基本的にキャンセルやご返品はお受けできません。※実際の商品の色になるべく近いかたちで掲載しておりますが、モニターの違いなどで...


  • Hiroyuki Watanabe Toshiyuki Sawada オーム社アガイドトゥクセキュアスルーアウトザサプライチェインフロムデザインメインテナンス ワタナベヒロユキ サワダトシユキ 発行年月:2023年07月24日 予約締切日:2023年07月23日 ページ数:427p ISBN:9784274705366 本 パソコン・システム開発 インターネット・WEBデザイン インターネットセキュリティ


  • <p>The key to the success of a company is their ability to co-ordinate the key supply chain i.e their key suppliers and suppliers of suppliers. 'Food and Drink Supply Chain Management' looks specifically at the supply chain in the food and drink industry to provide readers with an understanding of the areas as it is now and its growing importance, and where it is going in the future.</p> <p>'Food and Drink Supply Chain Management' is the first to take an in-depth view into the supply chain function in the hospitality and food retail sectors. Authored by a range of expert contributors the text looks at issues such as:</p> <p>* New food processes and GM foods<br /> * Volume catering and JIT (Just In Time) and Food Safety<br /> * Relationships between companies and with stakeholders and responsibilities to these groups<br /> * The internationalisation of the food chain<br /> * The future of the food and drink supply chain and its management</p> <p>Examples and cas...


  • <p>This book is a comprehensive introduction to supply chain financing as a business model that enables companies to reduce costs, improve their working capital and manage risks more tightly. Supply chain financing is using the supply chain to fund the organization and using the organization to fund the supply chain. Supply chain financing is of growing importance, the book explains what supply chain funding is and its different components as well as its impact and potential not only on companies using it, but more globally. The content moves from the basics of supply chain management to how to structure a global supply chain finance program in today's marketplace, the emergence of fintech providers, and alternative methods of payment, while also offering a view of the future that incorporates new platforms and analytical tools to optimize efficiencies in an organization and increase working capital flows.Supply Chain Financing is based on the authors' research and teaching at two...
  • 上に戻る