the model thinker

多模型思維:天才的32個思考策略 The Model ThinkerWhat You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You【電子書籍】 裴吉Summary of Scott E. Page 039 s The Model Thinker【電子書籍】 Everest MediaMODEL THINKER,THE(H) SCOTT E. PAGETools of Systems Thinkers Learn Advanced Deduction, Decision-Making, and Problem-Solving Skills with Mental Models and System Maps.【電子書籍】 Albert RutherfordThe Systems Thinker - Mental Models The Systems Thinker Series, 3【電子書籍】 Albert RutherfordThe Model Thinker What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You【電子書籍】 Scott E. PageThe Systems Thinker - Mental Models Take Control Over Your Thought Patterns.【電子書籍】 Albert Rutherford多モデル思考 データを知恵に変える24の数理モデル / 原タイトル:THE MODEL THINKER 本/雑誌 / スコット E ペイジ/著 椿広計/監訳 長尾高弘/訳The Model Thinker: What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You MODEL THINKER Scott E. Page


  • <p><strong>★ 近百萬人選修的 Coursera 熱門課程,平均評分4.8顆星</strong></p> <p><strong>?將具備當前最需要的三種人才特質:</strong></p> <p><strong>擅長數理邏輯的工程人才、</strong></p> <p><strong>建構商業經濟模型的商務人才、</strong></p> <p><strong>理解人類行為的社會學人才。</strong></p> <p>麻疹的基本傳染數R0高達15,</p> <p>則 (15ー1)/15的人口(94%)必須接種疫苗。</p> <p>若要避免新冠肺炎繼續傳播,</p> <p>需要多少人接種疫苗,才能達到群體免疫?</p> <p>高收入家長的小孩有60%依然為高收入,</p> <p>中等收入家長的小孩有50%依然為中等收入,</p> <p>低收入家長的小孩有70%依然為低收入,</p> <p>?要怎樣才能跳?社經階層的僵固性?</p> <p>夏普利?是什麼?</p> <p>如何運用夏普利?來計算成員對團隊的真實貢獻度?</p> <p>或是計算政黨掌握的席次與政黨實質權力的落差?</p> <p>這世界太複雜,資料數據太氾濫了,</p> <p>妥善運用馭繁為簡的模型,進行邏輯思考,</p> <p>方可避免我們掉入認知陷?。</p> <p>模型是使用數學和圖表來呈現...


  • <p>Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 Models are formal structures represented in mathematics and diagrams that help us understand the world. They improve our ability to reason, explain, design, communicate, act, predict, and explore. #2 A model is a simplification of the world that can be applied within it. It must be simple enough that within it we can apply logic. A model is a collection of models that accomplishes even more. #3 We have access to unprecedented amounts of data, but we are not capable of understanding why certain things happen. Empirical findings may be misleading. Data on piece-rate work shows that the more people are paid per unit of output, the less they produce. #4 Models are used to make sense of the firehose-like streams of data that cross our computer screens. Without models, people suffer from a laundry list of cognitive shortcomings: we overweight recent events, we assign probabilities based on reas...


  • SCOTT E. PAGE BASIC BOOKS (USA).2018 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780465094622 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Computers


  • <p>Think with <strong>clarity, depth, and speed.</strong> Become an effective problem solver and decision maker.</p> <p>We often have blind spots for the actual reasons that cause problems in our lives. So we try to fix our issues based on <em>assumptions, false analysis, and mistaken deductions.</em> This can bring a lot of misunderstanding, anxiety, and frustration into our personal and work relationships.</p> <p><em>Tools of Systems Thinkers</em> shares powerful strategies to organize your thoughts into transparent patterns and find the real roots of your problems and fix them once and for all.</p> <p>Notice details others miss. See through complexity.</p> <p>Resist jumping to conclusions prematurely. Evaluate information correctly and consistently to make better decisions. Stop sabotaging your self-interest. Overwrite your autopilot with logical and analytical tools. This unique book will give them to you. Learn to utilize <strong>mental models an...


  • <p>Regain focus. Select relevant information. Make quick and clear decisions.</p> <p>We are dealing with too many options, too much information, conflicting advice on general choices like what diet to choose, or who to choose as a mate. It's hard to maintain focus and be confident in our decisions under such conditions.</p> <p>The Systems Thinker ?Mental Models helps you make decisions based on your relevant thought patterns and true values. Finding the most relevant information to YOU, the best decision to YOU is a matter of exploring YOUR thoughts and wants.</p> <p>Mental models are cognitive frameworks that you can use to make order in your head, tune out the noise, and focus on what's important ? without getting overwhelmed. Mental models provide transparency, order, deeper understanding, context, and most importantly, a clear solution or conclusion about problems. Using systems thinking as your leading cognitive tool will provide depth AND width to your mental ana...


  • <p><strong>Work with data like a pro using this guide that breaks down how to organize, apply, and most importantly, understand what you are analyzing in order to become a true data ninja.</strong></p> <p>From the stock market to genomics laboratories, census figures to marketing email blasts, we are awash with data. But as anyone who has ever opened up a spreadsheet packed with seemingly infinite lines of data knows, numbers aren't enough: we need to know how to make those numbers talk. In <em>The Model Thinker</em>, social scientist Scott E. Page shows us the mathematical, statistical, and computational modelsーfrom linear regression to random walks and far beyondーthat can turn anyone into a genius. At the core of the book is Page's "many-model paradigm," which shows the reader how to apply multiple models to organize the data, leading to wiser choices, more accurate predictions, and more robust designs. <em>The Model Thinker</em> provides a toolkit for business...


  • <p>Regain focus. Select relevant information. Make quick and clear decisions.</p> <p>We are dealing with too many options, too much information, conflicting advice on general choices like what diet to choose, or who to choose as a mate. It’s hard to maintain focus and be confident in our decisions under such conditions.</p> <p><strong>The Systems Thinker ?Mental Models</strong> helps you make decisions based on your relevant thought patterns and true values. Finding the most relevant information to YOU, the best decision to YOU is a matter of exploring YOUR thoughts and wants.</p> <p>Mental models are cognitive frameworks that you can use to make order in your head, tune out the noise, and focus on what’s important ? without getting overwhelmed. Mental models provide transparency, order, deeper understanding, context, and most importantly, <em>a clear solution or conclusion about problems. Using systems thinking as your leading cognitive tool will provide depth A...


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>すべてのモデルは間違っている→だから、組み合わせて使う。いかにして、手元のデータから現象を説明し、未来を予測し、制度を設計し、議論・対話し、判断を下すか。そのために、現代人が持っておくべき“数理モデルのミニマムセット”とは。社会、政治、経済、複雑系を縦横に解析する、モデリングの第一人者による珠玉のテキスト。<収録内容>多くのモデルで考える人なぜモデルなのか多モデルの科学人間の行動のモデリング正規分布:ベル型曲線べき乗則分布:ロングテール線形モデル凹関数と凸関数価値と力のモデルネットワークモデル〔ほか〕<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2553118Sukotto E Pay Ji / Cho Tsubaki Hiro Kei/ Kanyaku Nagao Takahiro / Yaku / Tamodel Shiko Data Wo Chie Ni Kaeru 24 No Suri Model / Original Title: the MODEL THINKERメディア:本/雑誌発売日:2020/11JAN:9784627855014多モデル思考 データを知恵に変える24の数理モデル / 原タイトル:THE MODEL THINKER[本/雑誌] / スコット・E・ペイジ/著 椿広計/監訳 長尾高弘/訳2020/11発売


  • MODEL THINKER Scott E. Page BASIC BOOKS2021 Paperback English ISBN:9781541675711 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Computers
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