user-friendly math for parents

User-Friendly Math for Parents Learning and Understanding the Language of Numbers Is Key【電子書籍】 Catheryne Draper


  • <p><em>User-Friendly Numbers in Math for Parents</em> shares stories of students’ reasoning, thinking, and sometimes misunderstandings about numbers - stories that provide the opportunity to see math differently. Most of the students are visual-spatial, creative, daydreamers who may miss the details in math, a characteristic of visual-spatial learners. Through these stories, parents will see mathematics through their child’s eyes, both the clarity and the confusion. Armed with this new sight, and therefore insight, parents will be able to talk differently with their child about the number language of math. By seeing numbers through “new eyes,” children and parents can take control of the math language and therefore, the mathematics.</p> <p>This book focuses more on the “why” reasons behind math number relationships, explained in plain English and with images that show number relationships. By including more images and fewer formulas, readers ? especially the visual spatial...
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