using critical theory

【中古】【輸入品 未使用】Difference / Indifference: Musings on Postmodernism カンマ Marcel Duchamp and John Cage (Critical Voices in Art カンマ Theory and Culture)Using Critical Theory ペーパーバック Tyson,LoisAn Introduction to Complexity Pedagogy Using Critical Theory, Critical Pedagogy and Complexity in Performance and Literature【電子書籍】 D. Emily HicksRethinking College Student Development Theory Using Critical Frameworks【電子書籍】Racial Microaggressions Using Critical Race Theory to Respond to Everyday Racism【電子書籍】 Daniel G. Sol rzanoCritical Thinking in Clinical Research Applied Theory and Practice Using Case Studies【電子書籍】Using Declarative Mapping Sentences in Psychological Research Applying Facet Theory in Multi-Componential Critical Analyses of Female Representation in Science Fiction Film and TV【電子書籍】 Paul M.W. HackettUsing Critical Theory How to Read and Write About Literature【電子書籍】 Lois Tyson


  • 【中古】【輸入品・未使用】Difference / Indifference: Musings on Postmodernism%カンマ% Marcel Duchamp and John Cage (Critical Voices in Art%カンマ% Theory and Culture)【メーカー名】Routledge【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】Routledge【商品説明】Difference / Indifference: Musings on Postmodernism%カンマ% Marcel Duchamp and John Cage (Critical Voices in Art%カンマ% Theory and Culture)当店では初期不良に限り、商品到着から7日間は返品を 受付けております。こちらは海外販売用に買取り致しました未使用品です。買取り致しました為、中古扱いとしております。他モールとの併売品の為、完売の際はご連絡致しますのでご了承下さい。速やかにご返金させて頂きます。ご注文からお届けまで1、ご注文⇒ご注文は24時間受け付けております。2、注文確認⇒ご注文後、当店から注文確認メールを送信します。3、配送⇒当店海外倉庫から取り寄せの場合は10〜30日程度でのお届けとなります。国内到着後、発送の際に通知にてご連絡致します。国内倉庫からの場合は3〜7日でのお届けとなります。 ※離島、北海道、九州、沖縄は遅れる場合がございます。予めご了承下さい...


  • 【30日間返品保証】商品説明に誤りがある場合は、無条件で弊社送料負担で商品到着後30日間返品を承ります。ご満足のいく取引となるよう精一杯対応させていただきます。※下記に商品説明およびコンディション詳細、出荷予定・配送方法・お届けまでの期間について記載しています。ご確認の上ご購入ください。【インボイス制度対応済み】当社ではインボイス制度に対応した適格請求書発行事業者番号(通称:T番号・登録番号)を印字した納品書(明細書)を商品に同梱してお送りしております。こちらをご利用いただくことで、税務申告時や確定申告時に消費税額控除を受けることが可能になります。また、適格請求書発行事業者番号の入った領収書・請求書をご注文履歴からダウンロードして頂くこともできます(宛名はご希望のものを入力して頂けます)。■商品名■Using Critical Theory [ペーパーバック] Tyson, Lois■出版社■Routledge■著者■Tyson, Lois■発行年■2011/11/16■ISBN10■0415616174■ISBN13■9780415616171■コンディションランク■可コンディションランク説明ほぼ新品:未使用に近い状態の商品非常に良い:傷や汚れが少なくきれいな状態の商品良い:多少の傷や汚れがあるが...


  • <p><em>An Introduction to Complexity Pedagogy: Using Critical Theory, Critical Pedagogy and Complexity in Performance and Literature</em> offers readers an introduction to the basic concepts of complexity science and how they might be applied in the teaching of composition, creative writing, performance, and literature.</p> <p>The book builds on Critical Theory (defined as Frankfurt Theory) and border theory, serving as a critique of neoliberalism in higher education and the teaching of critical thinking as a set of skills. Individual chapters are devoted to the following artists and writers:</p> <p>? the Choctaw people<br /> ? author LeAnne Howe<br /> ? Chicana lesbian author Gloria Anzaldua<br /> ? performance artist Karen Finley<br /> ? the performance duo Bob Flanagan and Sheree Rose</p> <p>The strength of this book is that it concentrates on the teaching of interrelated topics: borders (including the border between the able/disabled), complexity, mixed...


  • <p>A major new contribution to college student development theory, this book brings "third wave" theories to bear on this vitally important topic.</p> <p>The first section includes a chapter that provides an overview of the evolution of student development theories as well as chapters describing the critical and poststructural theories most relevant to the next iteration of student development theory. These theories include critical race theory, queer theory, feminist theories, intersectionality, decolonizing/indigenous theories, and crip theories. These chapters also include a discussion of how each theory is relevant to the central questions of student development theory.</p> <p>The second section provides critical interpretations of the primary constructs associated with student development theory. These constructs and their related ideas include resilience, dissonance, socially constructed identities, authenticity, agency, context, development (consistency/coherence/st...


  • <p>Drawing from over 2 decades of research, this book offers an in-depth analysis of a systemic form of everyday racism commonly experienced by People of Color. Racial microaggressions are layered and cumulative assaults, often carried out in subtle and unconscious ways, which take a psychological and physiological toll on the body, mind, and spirit. The authors make a unique contribution to the study of racial microaggressions by using Critical Race Theory (CRT) to develop the concepts, frameworks, and models provided in this book. Focusing on the lived experiences of People of Color, <em>Racial Microaggressions in Education</em> can be used to disrupt the everyday racism that continues to target so many Communities of Color.</p> <p>“A brilliant and timely contribution to the current discussions and actions related to race and racism.”<br /> ーDolores Delgado Bernal, California State University, Los Angeles</p> <p>“An excellent review of critical race theory and met...


  • <p>One of the most crucial skills a clinician, scientist, or student can learn is to create, conduct, and interpret the conclusions of a clinical study. <em>Critical Thinking in Clinical Research</em> teaches these fundamentals in four distinct sections, called "units": the first unit focuses on issues surrounding the design of a study such as population, question selection, randomization, and blinding; Unit 2 presents statistical methods such as analyzing data collected, how to present and discuss the data concisely; the third unit covers practical aspects such as methodology, organizational considerations, principles of trial conduct and reporting; and the final unit delves into study designs, providing the advantages and drawbacks of each design style. Each chapter begins with a short introduction, followed by a hypothetical case that challenges the reader to make decisions, to consider pros and cons of specific approaches, and to evaluate options based on specific conditio...


  • <p>Using facet theory and Hackett’s pioneering development of the declarative mapping sentence (DMS) as a qualitative methodology, this volume explains the process of formulating and applying the DMS to critically assess female representation in science fiction.</p> <p>Using a comparative approach to the development of female roles in Western science fiction films and television, the authors illustrate how the DMS is formulated and used to analyse the psychological and behavioral profiles of female characters. By maintaining the common structure of the DMS across films while adapting its content for each female role, the text demonstrates the flexibility of the DMS in providing a structure for varied research domains, enabling results to be uniformly compared, contrasted and classified.</p> <p>This insightful and thought-provoking volume will appeal to researchers, academics and educators interested in psychological methods and statistics, qualitative research in gender id...


  • <p>Explaining both why theory is important and how to use it, Lois Tyson introduces beginning students of literature to this often daunting field in a friendly and readable style. The new edition of this textbook is clearly structured with chapters based on major theories frequently covered both in courses on literature and on critical theory.</p> <p>Key features include:</p> <p>? coverage of major theories including reader-response theory, New Criticism (formalism), psychoanalysis, Marxism, feminism, lesbian/gay/queer theories, African American theory, and postcolonial theory</p> <p>? practical demonstrations of how to use these theories to interpret short literary works selected from canonical authors including William Faulkner and Alice Walker</p> <p>? a chapter on reader-response theory that shows students how to use their personal responses to literature while avoiding typical pitfalls</p> <p>? sections on cultural criticism for each chapter that use our s...
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