
The Power of Words (including audio-link/option) A powerful idea, well expressed can help change the world… for the better 【電子書籍】 craig lock


  • <p><strong>A powerful idea, well expressed can change the world… for the better!</strong><br /> Words, a thought like…<br /> “I can’t do much… yet I can do <strong>something!</strong>”<br /> <em>“<strong>You</strong> be the change you wish to see in the world.”</em><br /> <em>“You can help change the world from <strong>where you’re standing</strong>.”<br /> “I make art through writing…and words are my tools.”</em></p> <p>I love the beauty, power and magic of the written and spoken word, so love “working and playing around” with words. (A passionate and “attention-grabbing” opening line for this article, Craig!). I am fascinated with the variety, flow, rhythm and cadence of words and using language as a tool of communication. Because the words we use have such power in them. Words can be powerful motivators or powerful demotivators. Used positively the right words can encourage, uplift, even inspire and create endless joy and love in our lives…...
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