why are

Beauty Pays Why Attractive People Are More Successful【電子書籍】 Daniel S. HamermeshWhy Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria And Other Conversations About Race【電子書籍】 Beverly Daniel Tatum意見不同,還是可以好好 :Twitter Slack高績效團隊負責人,教 化解 見的8種溝通心理技術 Why Are We Yelling : The Art of Productive Disagreement【電子書籍】 巴斯特 班森(Buster Benson)權力,在 個角色上發光:史丹佛MBA爆棚選修課, 敗沒安全感 霸凌,讓自己被需要就能自信發揮影響力 Acting with Power: Why We Are More Powerful Than We Believe【電子書籍】All Marketers Are Liars: The Underground Classic That Explains How Marketing Really Works--And Why A ALL MARKETERS ARE LIARS Seth GodinWhy Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria : And Other Conversations about Race WHY ARE ALL THE BLACK KIDS SIT Beverly Daniel Tatumなんでここに先生が 即納 全13話 BOXセット ブルーレイ Blu-ray 全話 コンプリート 北米版 正規品 完全版 新盤 アニメ 日本語 英語 お得なBD ボックス 新パッケージ 12話 OVA1話 Why The Hell Are You Here, Teacher Copmlete CollectionPor Que Los Ricos Se Vuelven Mas Ricos: Que Es Realmente La Educacion Financiera /Why the Rich Are G SPA-POR QUE LOS RICOS SE VUELV Robert T. KiyosakiEver Wonder Why Here Are the Answers 【電子書籍】 Douglas B. Smith真確: 轉十大直覺偏誤,發現事情比 想的美好 FACTFULNESS: Ten Reasons We 039 re Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think【電子書籍】 漢斯.羅斯林Factfulness: Ten Reasons We 039 re Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think: Discussion Prompts【電子書籍】 bestof.meWe Are Their Heaven: Why the Dead Never Leave Us WE ARE THEIR HEAVEN Allison DuBoisActing with Power Why We Are More Powerful than We Believe【電子書籍】 Deborah GruenfeldWhy Are Faggots So Afraid of Faggots Flaming Challenges to Masculinity, Objectification, and the Desire to Conform【電子書籍】The Righteous Mind Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion【電子書籍】 Jonathan HaidtYou Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters YOU ARE THE UNIVERSE Deepak ChopraThe Nation City Why Mayors Are Now Running the World【電子書籍】 Rahm Emanuel好人總是自以為是(長銷經典紀念版) 政治與宗教如何將我們四分五裂 The Righteous Mind : Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion【電子書籍】 強納森.海徳特(Jonathan Haidt)Forged Writing in the Name of God--Why the Bible 039 s Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are【電子書籍】 Bart D. EhrmanYou Are Not So Smart Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, an d 46 Other Ways You 039 re Deluding Yourself【電子書籍】 David McRaney


  • <p><strong>How beauty leads to better jobs, better wages, and better spouses</strong></p> <p>Most of us know there is a payoff to looking good, and in the quest for beauty we spend countless hours and billions of dollars on personal grooming, cosmetics, and plastic surgery. But how much better off are the better looking? Based on the evidence, quite a lot. The first book to seriously measure the advantages of beauty, <em>Beauty Pays</em> demonstrates how society favors the beautiful and how better-looking people experience startling but undeniable benefits in all aspects of life. Noted economist Daniel Hamermesh shows that the attractive are more likely to be employed, work more productively and profitably, receive more substantial pay, obtain loan approvals, negotiate loans with better terms, and have more handsome and highly educated spouses. Hamermesh explains why this happens and what it means for the beautifulーand the not-so-beautifulーamong us.</p> <p>Explor...


  • <p><strong>The classic, <em>New York Times</em>-bestselling book on the psychology of racism that shows us how to talk about race in America.</strong></p> <p>Walk into any racially mixed high school and you will see Black, White, and Latino youth clustered in their own groups. Is this self-segregation a problem to address or a coping strategy? How can we get past our reluctance to discuss racial issues?</p> <p>Beverly Daniel Tatum, a renowned authority on the psychology of racism, argues that straight talk about our racial identities is essential if we are serious about communicating across racial and ethnic divides and pursuing antiracism. These topics have only become more urgent as the national conversation about race is increasingly acrimonious. This fully revised edition is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand dynamics of race and racial inequality in America.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページから...


  • <p>**?見就像雜草,從來不會完全消失,<br /> ?贏了也不會真正改變其他人的想法。</p> <p>溝通不同意見,了解自己怕什麼,比事實數據更重要!<br /> 在高壓情境、敏感議題上,也能?不暴走、不隱忍、不假裝,好好?。**</p> <p>  ?為什麼別人不願意改變想法?明明是我對?</p> <p>  ?當對方聲音變大、公開作對,如何化解焦慮緊張?</p> <p>  ?跟父母或朋友的關係緊張,乾脆不參加聚會,放棄溝通?</p> <p>  ?架是?不贏的!偏見讓我們沮喪和激動。</p> <p>  改善5%的溝通習慣,就能讓生活品質提升50%,團隊更有效率!</p> <p>  當期望與現實不符,就會引起我們的焦慮,甚至暴走和爭執,其實這是自己心裡有隱而未見的因子,導致預設立場、對新訊息?生錯誤反應。例如聽到反對疫苗者的言論就?生焦慮感;或者人們因為不同政治背景,就猜測他人的水準比自己差很多。</p> <p>**  反對?的人,其實最清楚?的盲點,反而能激發更好的點子!**</p> <p>  作者過去20年來曾在Amazon、Twitter 和 Slack 等科技公司的高績效團隊擔任主腦人物,在緊張的工作環境中,促成各部門和客?達成有意義和具有建設性的合作。同時,作者一直在...


  • <p><strong>★ 史丹佛商學院最受歡迎MBA選修課</strong></p> <p>**  ★ 新手主管不崩潰、基層員工不感無力,都需要?權力**</p> <p>  ?總覺得自己位低權輕,對很多事都無能為力?</p> <p>  ?以為權力要靠爭奪,贏過別人才會擁有權力?</p> <p>  當權者的壓迫讓?心生恐懼,上位者的濫權讓?憂懼不安?</p> <p>**  不管?處在什麼位置,總有人需要?。?比自己想像的更強大**</p> <p>  權力不是天生,不專屬位階,而是取決於需求關係。</p> <p>  ??權力,?天演好?在別人故事中的角色,?能做強大的自己,同時照亮他人。</p> <p>**  權力是照顧?關心的人**</p> <p>  20多年權力心理學研究權威、史丹佛大學商學院講座教授葛倫費徳,首創將演員思維應用到課堂上,與一流表演藝術家共同合作研發創新的權力課,大受好評,而成為最受學生歡迎的選修課。本書顛覆我們以往對權力本質的所有認知,導正對權力的常見誤解,?示令人耳目一新的實用案例。</p> <p>  ?的成功、影響力和生活滿意度,與?累積多少權力,或是別人認為?多麼有權力無關,而是因為?能為別人做些什麼。</p> <p>**  我們難免都會有無力感,要怎麼好...


  • ALL MARKETERS ARE LIARS Seth Godin PORTFOLIO2012 Paperback English ISBN:9781591845331 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics


  • WHY ARE ALL THE BLACK KIDS SIT Beverly Daniel Tatum BASIC BOOKS2017 Paperback Revised English ISBN:9780465060689 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Social Science


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  • SPAーPOR QUE LOS RICOS SE VUELV Robert T. Kiyosaki AGUILAR2018 Paperback Spanish ISBN:9781947783126 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics


  • <p><strong>"Why?" is the first question we learn to ask as children and the one our parents have the hardest time answering. This is because "Why?" is the most difficult question to research.</strong></p> <p>Why is the color blue used for boys?<br /> Why do worms come out onto sidewalks after a rain?<br /> Why do chefs wear tall hats?</p> <p>Everyone knows that . . .</p> <p>. . . Donuts have holes<br /> . . . We clink glasses before saying a toast<br /> . . . Golfers yell “fore!”before teeing off<br /> . . . We not our heads <em>yes</em> and shake our heads <em>no</em></p> <p>But how many of us know why? You'll learn the answers and a whole lot more in this fun and fact-filled almanac. And all you have to do is ask WHY?!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>★榮獲誠品選書.博客來選書.金石堂選書一致推薦</strong></p> <p><strong>比爾.蓋茲2018年度選書,空前推薦</strong></p> <p>「我所讀過最重要的書之一,帶領?清晰思考世界的必備指南。」──比爾.蓋茲</p> <p>★出版即登上各國暢銷榜,Amazon非文學類書籍第1名<br /> ★十度登上TED大會演?,知名公共教育家漢斯.羅斯林的唯一著作<br /> ★一本讓比爾蓋茲從此不再使用「開發中國家」名詞的書,空前推薦贈送給全美大學生的畢業禮物<br /> ★嚴長壽、謝金河、王文靜、劉軒、葉丙成、馮勃翰、林明仁、許毓仁 熱情推薦<br /> ★榮獲誠品選書.博客來選書.金石堂選書一致推薦</p> <p>「我窮盡畢生之力抵抗全球的無知,傳播基於事實的世界觀。</p> <p>這本書是我的最後一役,是我設法影響世界的最後努力。」──漢斯.羅斯林</p> <p><strong>有些事儘管牴觸我們的直覺認知,儘管顯得?無可能,卻仍然真確。</strong></p> <p><strong>這本書在談世界,在談世界真正的樣子,</strong><br /> <strong>也是在談?,以及?該如何真確思考,基於事實行動。</strong></p> <p>我們總希望可以客觀看待事情,針對世...


  • <p><strong>Readers of Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You</strong> <strong>Think seeking engagement for all reading groups can gain further insight with this essential resource as a guide to aid your discussions.</strong></p> <p>**New York Times bestselling book Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think is written by the global TED phenomenon Hans Rosling. He defines factfulness as ‘the stress-reducing habit of only carrying opinions for which you have strong supporting facts.’ In Factfulness, Rosling, a Professor of International Health, offers a radically new explanation to the simple questions about global trends. He explains why this happens. He also reveals the ten instincts that collectively distort our perspective.</p> <p>Bill Gates says that Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think is “one of the mos...


  • WE ARE THEIR HEAVEN Allison DuBois FIRESIDE BOOKS2007 Paperback English ISBN:9780743291132 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit


  • <p><strong>"A refreshing and enlightening new perspective on what it means to be powerful." - SUSAN CAIN, bestselling author of <em>Quiet</em></strong></p> <p><strong>An eye-opening exploration of power and how we can harness it using performance techniques borrowed from actors.</strong></p> <p>What if instead of worrying about getting more power, we focus on using the power we do have better?</p> <p>Stanford business professor Deborah Gruenfeld combines 25 years of social psychology research with personal experience to reveal the truth about power: that we all have more than we realise and what counts is what we do with it.</p> <p><em>Acting with Power</em> shows anyone seeking greater professional and academic success what power is actually for, how to identify it within ourselves, and how to use it constructively using acting techniques.</p> <p>Some of us crave a bigger role, and many of us feel like imposters in our current ones. <em>Actin...


  • <p>Gay culture has become a nightmare of consumerism, whether it's an endless quest for Absolut vodka, Diesel jeans, rainbow Hummers, pec implants, or Pottery Barn. Whatever happened to sexual flamboyance and gender liberation, an end to marriage, the military, and the nuclear family? As backrooms are shut down to make way for wedding vows, and gay sexual culture morphs into “straight-acting dudes hangin’ out,” what are the possibilities for a defiant faggotry that challenges the assimilationist norms of a corporate-cozy lifestyle?</p> <p><em>Why Are Faggots So Afraid of Faggots?</em> challenges not just the violence of straight homophobia but the hypocrisy of mainstream gay norms that say the only way to stay safe is to act straight: get married, join the military, adopt kids! Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore reinvokes the anger, flamboyance, and subversion once thriving in gay subcultures in order to create something dangerous and lovely: an exploration of the perils of assim...


  • <p><strong><em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER ? The #1 bestselling author of <em>The Anxious Generation</em> and acclaimed social psychologist challenges conventional thinking about morality, politics, and religion in a way that speaks to conservatives and liberals alikeーa “landmark contribution to humanity’s understanding of itself” (<em>The New York Times Book Review</em>).</strong></p> <p>Drawing on his twenty-five years of groundbreaking research on moral psychology, Jonathan Haidt shows how moral judgments arise not from reason but from gut feelings. He shows why liberals, conservatives, and libertarians have such different intuitions about right and wrong, and he shows why each side is actually right about many of its central concerns.</p> <p>In this subtle yet accessible book, Haidt gives you the key to understanding the miracle of human cooperation, as well as the curse of our eternal divisions and conflicts. If you’re ready to trade in anger for u...


  • YOU ARE THE UNIVERSE Deepak Chopra Menas C. Kafatos HARMONY BOOK2018 Paperback English ISBN:9780307889157 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Science


  • <p><strong>At a time of anxiety about the effectiveness of our national government, Rahm Emanuel provides a clear vision, for both progressives and centrists, of how to get things done in America today--a bracing, optimistic vision of America's future from one of our most experienced and original political minds.</strong></p> <p>In <em>The Nation City</em>, Rahm Emanuel, former two-term mayor of Chicago and White House Chief of Staff for President Barack Obama, offers a firsthand account of how cities, rather than the federal government, stand at the center of innovation and effective governance. Drawing on his own experiences in Chicago, and on his relationships with other mayors around America, Emanuel provides dozens of examples to show how cities are improving education, infrastructure, job conditions, and environmental policy at a local level.</p> <p>Emanuel argues that cities are the most ancient political institutions, dating back thousands of years and have...


  • <p><strong>美國社會心理學大師海徳特</strong></p> <p><strong>改革道徳倫理觀經典著作</strong></p> <p><strong>心智一分為二,如同騎在大象上的騎象人,騎象人的工作就是服侍大象。</strong></p> <p><strong>正義之心如同舌頭,有六種味覺受體。</strong></p> <p><strong>人類是百分之九十的黒猩猩加上百分之十的蜜蜂。</strong></p> <p><strong>道徳凝聚人心,卻也令人目盲。</strong></p> <p><strong>為什麼(自己以外的)?個人都好像是偽君子?</strong></p> <p><strong>人人在談到心中視為神聖的目標時,都盲目得無法視物。</strong></p> <p>◆人類的道徳、正義感從何而來?</p> <p>◆道徳的多樣化為何這麼容易就讓一群好人分裂成幾群互有敵意、又不想相互瞭解的群體?</p> <p>◆自由派和保守派心理特點與道徳觀有何不同?為何右翼政治人物具有先天優勢,能烹調出選民喜愛的菜??</p> <p>◆身處由政治與宗教所引起的兩極化世界,我們可否運用心理學技巧去掉自己眼中的「正義」之刺?</p> <p><strong>【?容簡介】</strong></p> <p>人類的本質不僅是講道徳,同時也愛?教、愛...


  • <p>Bart D. Ehrman, the <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author of <em>Jesus, Interrupted</em> and <em>God’s Problem</em> reveals which books in the Bible’s New Testament were not passed down by Jesus’s disciples, but were instead forged by other handsーand why this centuries-hidden scandal is far more significant than many scholars are willing to admit. A controversial work of historical reporting in the tradition of Elaine Pagels, Marcus Borg, and John Dominic Crossan, Ehrman’s <em>Forged</em> delivers a stunning explication of one of the most substantialーyet least discussedーproblems confronting the world of biblical scholarship.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>An entertaining illumination of the stupid beliefs that make us feel wise, based on the popular blog of the same name.</strong></p> <p>Whether you’re deciding which smartphone to purchase or which politician to believe, you think you are a rational being whose every decision is based on cool, detached logic. But here’s the truth: You are not so smart. You’re just as deluded as the rest of usーbut that’s okay, because being deluded is part of being human.</p> <p>Growing out of David McRaney’s popular blog, <em>You Are Not So Smart</em> reveals that every decision we make, every thought we contemplate, and every emotion we feel comes with a story we tell ourselves to explain them. But often these stories aren’t true. Each short chapterーcovering topics such as Learned Helplessness, Selling Out, and the Illusion of Transparencyーis like a psychology course with all the boring parts taken out.</p> <p>Bringing together popular science and psychology with ...
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