withering heights

The Bard of Withering Heights Nostalgic Truths, Observations, and Wisecracks About Life in Small-Town America【電子書籍】 Tom Cordell


  • <p>Like Camelot, Avalon, or Neverland, Withering Heights is an idyllic spot nestled between fantasy and reality. It is a timeless place that reflects life in small-town America, past and present . . . a humorous collection of thoughts and feelings, wit and wisdom, and enduring truths of human nature.</p> <p>As the resident narrator of life in Withering Heights, the Bard is a mischievous observer and commentator. Scorning political correctness, the Bard prefers mingling with the quirky characters in his little town and musing about life, love, and human behavior.</p> <p>Come in and take a stroll around Withering Heights. You'll find things to laugh about and think about, and you might just recognize someone you know!</p> <p>About the Author</p> <p>The Bard and the residents of Withering Heights are the creations of Tom Cordell, a retired educational television producer and practicing author. Happily dividing his time between Arizona and Southern California, Tom now ...
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