you are good

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  • <p><strong>Do you ever find yourself constantly doubting your abilities, even if you have achieved great success?</strong></p> <p>It's like a voice in your head whispering that you're a fraud, that one day everyone will discover your true incompetence.</p> <p><strong>You're not alone.</strong></p> <p>You Are Not a Fraud! delves into the depths of IMPOSTER SYNDROME, providing strategies and insights to help you break free from the shackles of self-doubt and embrace your true potential.</p> <p>Picture this: You're sitting in a meeting, surrounded by highly accomplished individuals, and you can't help but feel like a fraud. The fear of being exposed gnaws at you, causing anxiety and self-sabotage. But it doesn't have to be this way. Through relatable stories and practical advice, this book will empower you to challenge those negative thoughts, recognize your true worth, and develop unshakable confidence.</p> <p>In this insightful guide, you will:</p> <u...


  • <p><strong>Have You Tried Other Methods and Are Still Unsuccessful With Sleep Training Your Baby? Then Get This Book Right Now And Your Little Angel Will Be Sleeping Peacefully Without Crying In The Blink Of An Eye!</strong></p> <p>Having a new baby is an exciting experience. You want to be able to hold them and cuddle them all the time. You are excited to see them grow and change over the years. And you may even have some big hopes and dreams for their futures. But everyone can agree that getting enough sleep during that first year with your baby can be a big challenge.</p> <p>With the help of sleep training, you will be able to get your sleep schedule back, with baby sleeping in their own room, in no time at all. This guidebook is going to discuss everything that you need to know to get started with sleep training with your baby.</p> <p>We will look at what sleep training is, the benefits of working with sleep training, what tools you need, the best sleeping time...


  • YOU ARE MY KISS GOOD NIGHT Marianne Richmond Marianne Richmond SOURCEBOOKS JABBERWOCKY2018 Board Books English ISBN:9781492675129 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction


  • (オムニバス),BAReeeeeeeeeeN,スケルト・エイト・バンビーノ,YOUR SONG IS GOOD,ヨースケ@HOME,AI,INFINITY16 welcomez 九州男,ET−KING販売会社/発売会社:ユニバーサルミュージック インターナショナル(ユニバーサルミュージック)発売年月日:2009/05/20JAN:4988005558022人気シリーズ『アイのうた』スピンオフ・コンピレーションの“友達・家族へ”篇。九州男「My mama」、AI「My Friend」他、身近な存在ゆえに、つい感謝の気持ちを忘れがちな友達や家族への想いがぎゅっと詰まった1枚です! (C)RS


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  • <p><strong>Relationships are wonderful . . . until they're not.</strong></p> <p><strong>Stop the dysfunction of unhealthy relationships and learn biblical ways to set boundaries--and, when necessary, say goodbye.</strong></p> <p>Is it unloving or selfish to set a boundary with family members or friends? Are Christians ever called to walk away from a relationship that’s no longer safe or sustainable? #1 <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst deeply understands these hard questions in the midst of relational struggles.</p> <p>After thousands of hours of counseling intensives and extensive theological research that transformed the way she defined healthy relationships, Lysa is now more committed than ever to loving people well without losing the best of who she is.</p> <p>In these pages, Lysa will help you:</p> <ul> <li>Understand the five factors to remember when implementing healthy boundaries.</li> <li>Determine the appropri...


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  • <p><strong>這不是一本簡單的教養指南,而是革新教養思維的重量級好書!</strong><br /> <strong>★一出版即空降亞馬遜、《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜第一名</strong><br /> <strong>★《時代》雜誌讚譽作者為「千禧世代的教養訓練專家」</strong><br /> <strong>★《逆思維》作者亞當・葛蘭特大力推薦!親職教練/親子KO L口羊太太、?讀推廣人/國小教師林怡辰、美國諮商教育與督導博士 留佩萱、米露谷心理治療體系 陳品皓心理師、幼思職能治療所負責人 童童老師、親職教育講師 魏?志(澤?)誠摯推薦!</strong></p> <p>「注意!?讀本書極有可能讓?成為更好的父母!無論?是在努力讓?的小寶貝冷靜下來,還是讓?青少年的孩子敞開心扉,貝キ博士都是教養的智慧泉源。?在肯定?的最佳本能和挑戰?重新思考?的最壞反應之間取得了理想的平衡。」──《逆思維》作者亞當・葛蘭特</p> <p>就算?不小心吼了孩子,?仍是Good Inside(?在良善)的好父母;就算孩子行為失控,也都是Good Inside(?在良善)的好孩子。</p> <p><strong>孩子的失控行為,只是冰山一角,</strong><br /> <strong>表面之下,是孩子等待被理解的整個?心世界??</strong><br...


  • TOMORROWLAND(トゥモローランド)NIKY ROEHREKE*GALERIE VIE you are great ポストカードアーティストNikyRoehrekeが描く、心踊る美しい色彩のイラストとメッセージが印象的なポストカード。〈GALERIEVIE〉のイメージをNikyがメッセージとイラストと共に書き下ろしてくれたスペシャルな作品です。このような時代だからこそ、日頃の感謝や気持ちを伝える機会にしたい、そういう想いを伝えられるメッセージカードを作りたいと、バイヤーが何度もミーティングを重ね完成。メッセージは、どんな時でもポジティブに勇気付けられる言葉や老若男女問わずに伝えられるメッセージをセレクト。イラストにはホリデーシーズンに限らず、いつでも使用できるものをリクエストしました。〈NikyRoehreke(ニキローレケ)〉東京出身。ドイツ人と日本人の間に生まれ、東京・ロンドン・ニューヨーク生活を経て、ワシントン州にある小さな島に拠点を移す。森の中で自給自足の生活を経験し、アートを通して現代の高まる環境保全に取り組もうと決意する。島生活後、世界中を旅し2020年から日本に拠点を置く。心がワクワクする事・直感に従って生きる事・絵を描く事が、人と自然が繋がれる方法だ...


  • <p><em><strong>Safe People</strong></em> <strong>will help you discover why good people can get tangled in bad relationships, how to avoid repeating your own mistakes, and how to pick safe, healthy people for the friends you make and the company you keep.</strong></p> <p>Too many of us have invested in relationships that have gone wrong. Maybe you've been judged, manipulated, or controlled. Or maybe you've trusted the wrong people in the past. It's easy to make the same mistakes of judgment over and over--or, worse, to give up on trying to have great, authentic relationships again. But it doesn't have to be that way.</p> <p>In <em>Safe People</em>, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend teach you that being with an unsafe person can be damaging to your confidence, your trust in others, and even your health. You'll learn that you have the power to surround yourself with accepting, honest, and safe people who draw you closer to being the person God intended you t...


  • <p><strong>You've been through it all - the gaslighting, the manipulation, the constant belittlement.</strong></p> <p>It's time to break free from the clutches of narcissistic abuse and reclaim your power as a black woman. In this book, you will find the tools and knowledge to recognize and escape abusive situations, heal from the trauma, and embrace a future filled with self-love and empowerment.</p> <p>You deserve to live a life free from the chains of narcissistic abuse.</p> <ul> <li>Gain a deep understanding of narcissism and its impact on black women</li> <li>Uncover the connection between childhood trauma and vulnerability to narcissistic abuse</li> <li>Recognize the signs and tactics employed by narcissists</li> <li>Learn effective strategies for leaving abusive relationships and reclaiming your life</li> <li>Discover the healing power of self-love, self-care, and setting healthy boundaries</li> <li>Find resources and support to aid you...


  • 【必ずご確認ください】・こちらは商品状態欄の記載個所に不備が見受けられる開封済みの中古商品となります。・商品状態欄及び商品画像を必ずご確認の上、是非ご検討ください。【商品状態特記事項】外箱傷み (中)--------------------【基本情報】■タイトル:暁美ほむら(あけみほむら) you are not alone. 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 1/8 完成品 フィギュア ワンフェス2013冬&GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP限定 グッドスマイルカンパニー■機種:フィギュア■発売日:2013/02/10■JAN/EAN:4582191965925■登場作品:魔法少女まどか☆マギカ■サイズ:1/8スケール(全高約200mm)■商品形態:PVC製塗装済完成品■原型製作:横田健、田城康二■メーカー:グッドスマイルカンパニー【商品説明】■商品状態:外箱傷み (中)--------------------決して、忘れたりしない。TVアニメ『魔法少女まどか☆マギカ』より、平行世界を繰り返し戦い続ける時間遡航行者「暁美ほむら」が1/8スケールで立体化!豊富な差し替えパーツにより、12話(最終話)で見せた、まどかの赤いリボン着けて弓矢を持つ姿や、10話での三つ編み&メガネ姿、爆弾やゴルフクラブを持った姿など、様々なシチュエーションをお楽しみ頂けます。凛々...


  • <p><strong>‘The voice of reason for a generation of… mums and dads’ ? The Guardian</strong></p> <p><strong>Wildly popular parenting expert Dr Becky Kennedy shares her groundbreaking approach to raising kids in a way that feels good.</strong></p> <p>Over the past several years, Dr Becky Kennedyーknown to her followers as ‘Dr Becky’ーhas been sparking a parenting revolution. Millions of parents, tired of following advice that either doesn’t work or simply doesn’t feel good, have embraced Dr Becky’s empowering and effective approach, a model that prioritises connecting with our kids over correcting them.</p> <p>From reward charts to time-outs, many popular parenting approaches are based on shaping behaviour, not raising humans. These techniques don’t build the skills kids need for life or account for their complex emotional needs. Add to that parents’ complicated relationships with their own upbringings and it’s easy to see why so many caretakers feel lost, burned...


  • CANAL JEAN(キャナルジーン)Are you(アーユー)"Good Dog!" Tシャツデザイン胸元と背中に施されたプリントデザインが特徴のヴィンテージテイストな半袖Tシャツ。オーバーサイズシルエットでメンズライクな印象に。素材コットン100%で肌触りが良く、ストレスフリーな着心地です。コーディネートデニムと合わせてカジュアルにまとめるのはもちろん、キレイめボトムとのミックスコーデも◎プリントTシャツはどんなボトムとも合わせやすく、これからの季節に欠かせない1枚です。Areyou(アーユー)Areyouは、Areyouready?areyou?(あなたは準備ができましたか?そうなんですか?)という英文から始まり、"私たちが作った服を一緒に共有する準備はできましたか?"という意味でAreyouというブランドネームが作られました。-------------------------------------生地の厚さ:厚い〇〇●〇〇薄い伸縮性:あり透け感:ややあり裏地:なし光沢:なし水洗い:可-------------------------------------【モデル情報】H158B77W57H84取扱い:手洗い濃色は色落ちする可能性がありますので、他の物とのお洗濯はお避けください。蛍光増白剤の入っていない洗剤をご使用ください。長時間の水への浸漬はお避...


  • <p>Earth Milk is the ultimate guide for creating delicious, creamy, and smooth dairy-free milks, creamers, and shakes in the comfort of your own kitchen. This comprehensive guide will help you discover the amazing benefits of plant-based milks that are good for you and for the planet!</p> <p>With 35 healthy, easy to follow, and energizing recipes using seeds, nuts, fruits, and grains, you will quickly realize how easy it is to satisfy the needs of everyone in your family. </p> <p>Welcome to the next white wave. Welcome to Earth Milk.</p> <p>Earth Milks are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and health promoting properties. They also have a clean and enjoyable taste. Along with explanations about the health benefits of the many types of nuts, seeds, and grains used in the recipes, Earth Milk empowers you to make more informed decisions that are kinder to the animals, the Earth, and yourself.</p> <p>Included in this guide are kid-friendly Earth Milk recommendations...
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