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  • JESUS CALLING Jesus Calling Sarah Young THOMAS NELSON PUB2004 Hardcover English ISBN:9781591451884 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion


  • THE NORTH FACE ノースフェイス コットン100% HUR YOUNG MAN LIMITED EDITION クルーネック 半袖 Tシャツ NFK59674 ブラック 85(XS)▲047▼30407s15THE NORTH FACE ノースフェイス コットン100% HUR YOUNG MAN LIMITED EDITION クルーネック 半袖 Tシャツ NFK59674 ブラック 85(XS)▲047▼30407s15 コメント ■THE NORTH FACE 1966年に米国で創業されたアウトドアブランド。 トレッキング、ランニング、スキー、スノーボードなどのアクティビティからトラベル、キャンプまで、あらゆるシーンに適したアイテムを製造/販売しています。 ■NFK59674 韓国の漫画家、ホ・ヨンマンのイラストが入ったTシャツです。 着回しの効く万能な1着です。 生産国 MADE IN KOREA サイズ 85(XS) 実 寸 着丈55cm 身幅45cm 肩幅37cm 袖丈16cm  ※誤差はご了承くださいませ。 カラー ブラック系 素 材 コットン100% 付属品 下げ札(多少のダメージ・一部切り取り有り) 参考定価 - 商品状態 新品・未使用 ※韓国規格製品です。 ※店頭展示品のため若干の薄汚れがございます。 ※素材特有・展示による微細な擦れや小傷、保管・梱包に伴う皺等はご了承ください。 《発送地》 〒359-1166 埼玉県所沢市糀...


  • JESUS CALLING TEXTURED GRAY LE Jesus Calling Sarah Young THOMAS NELSON PUB2019 Leather English ISBN:9781400215294 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion


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  • <p>Plant the garden of your dreams and transform your outdoor space with award-winning Royal Horticultural Society garden design experts.</p> <p>Whether you're looking to revive a tired flowerbed or aiming for a complete design overhaul, the <em>RHS Encyclopedia of Garden Design</em> will show you how to make your ideal garden a reality. Grasp the fundamentals of garden design, find a style that suits you, and bring your ideas to life.</p> <p>This design bible is packed with advice to guide you from planning to planting. From preparation such as choosing the correct materials for your structures and assessing your drainage, to laying patios, making ponds, and planting perennials, the <em>RHS Encyclopedia of Garden Design</em> is with you every step of the way.</p> <p>Discover inspirational portfolios including modernist, sustainable, Japanese, urban, family, and cottage gardens. Understand the unique features of each garden style, create your own plan, and marv...


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  • <p>This book offers a comparative analysis of alternative education in the UK, focusing on learning spaces that cater for children and young people. It constitutes one of the first book-length explorations of alternative learning spaces outside mainstream education - including Steiner, human scale and forest schools, care farms and homeschooling.Based on original research with teachers, parents and young people at over 50 learning spaces, Geographies of alternative education demonstrates the importance of a geographical lens for understanding alternative education. In so doing, it develops contemporary theories of autonomy, emotion/affect, habit, intergenerational relations and life-itself. The book will appeal to academics and postgraduates in the fields of geography, sociology, education and youth studies. Given ongoing concerns about the state's role in providing children's education, and an increase in the number of alternative education providers in the UK and elsewhere, the ...


  • <p>It's been more than a decade since Dr. Jonathan Wright introduced the concept of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) with the book Natural Hormone Replacement for Women Over 45 (Wright JVW, Morgenthaler J. Smart Publications, 1997), at a time when only a handful of clear thinking, knowledgeable doctors had ever heard about bio-identical hormones. Many women first learned the truth about HRT and BHRT from that first book; others later heard about it from TV celebrity Suzanne Somers, who described her personal experiences with a different version of BHRT in the first of a series of books. But the real stampede away from HRT and toward BHRT began in 2002 with the premature termination of a large, government-funded study-the Women's Health Initiative (WHI)-the results of which confirmed that the risks of conventional HRT unquestionably outweighed its benefits. In their new updated book, authors Wright and Lenard will bring to light many examples of “forgotten” or “igno...


  • <p>Young addresses the impressive expansion across existing and developing commercial space business markets, with multiple private companies competing in the payload launch services sector. The author pinpoints the new markets, technologies, and players in the industry, as well as highlighting the overall reasons why it is important for us to develop space. NASA now relies on commercial partners to supply cargo and crew spacecraft and services to and from the International Space Station. The sizes of satellites are diminishing and their capabilities expanding, while costs to orbit are decreasing. Suborbital space tourism holds the potential of new industries and jobs. Commercial space exploration of the Moon and the planets also holds promise. All this activity is a catalyst for anyone interested in joining the developing space industry, from students and researchers to engineers and entrepreneurs. As more and more satellites and rockets are launched and the business of space is ...


  • <p>How do we experience attraction?<br /> What does love mean to us?<br /> When did you realise you were ace?<br /> This is the ace community in their own words.<br /> Drawing upon interviews with a wide range of people across the asexual spectrum, Eris Young is here to take you on an empowering, enriching journey through the rich multitudes of asexual life.<br /> With chapters spanning everything from dating, relationships and sex, to mental and emotional health, family, community and joy, the inspirational stories and personal experiences within these pages speak to aces living and loving in unique ways. Find support amongst the diverse narratives of aces sex-repulsed and sex-favourable, alongside voices exploring what it means to be black and ace, to be queer and ace, or ace and multi-partnered - and use it as a springboard for your own ace growth.<br /> Do you see a story like your own?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ペ...


  • <p>This book is a collection of essays written by William Dean Howells. The primary subject is the generational difference between a well-experienced publication editor and a young contributor. Howells was an American realist novelist, literary critic, and playwright. Most notably he was also an editor of The Atlantic Monthly.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>海辺の町で暮らす高校生・灰野勝彦は、「かわいくてかしこくてきれい好きで、さらにはとってもスケベ」な同級生、新井玲子と交際しているものの、最後の一線は越えられない日々を過ごしている。 そんなある日、赴任してきた新米女性教師・伊沢学が灰野の家に下宿しにやって来た。灰野は伊沢と呑み友達のような微妙な関係になりつつも、新井との一線を越えさせるべく努力し続けて…!?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • JESUS CALLING LARGE TEXT CLOTH Jesus Calling Sarah Young THOMAS NELSON PUB2019 Hardcover English ISBN:9781400209286 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion


  • <p>A gold mine for fans of Greek history! This work engages the reader in Greek culture and the history of Alexander the Great and his invasion of Persia, mixing elements of fiction, fact and romance with action scenes woven into the story line, while showing the magnitude of influence that the Greek had at the time.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Alfred John Church's 'A Young Macedonian in the Army of Alexander the Great' is a riveting historical novel that immerses readers in the tumultuous world of ancient Macedonia and the legendary conquests of Alexander the Great. Through meticulous research and vivid storytelling, Church brings to life the challenges and triumphs faced by a young soldier in one of history's most formidable armies, capturing the essence of warfare, camaraderie, and empire-building in the Hellenistic era. The book's narrative style mirrors the grandeur and epic scope of Alexander's campaigns, offering a rich tapestry of historical detail and human drama that will captivate readers of all ages. Church's attention to historical accuracy and his ability to blend fact with fiction make this a compelling and enlightening read for anyone interested in ancient history and military conquests. Alfred John Church, a respected classical scholar and historian, drew on his vast knowledge of ancient civilizations...


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