
Abracadabra I love you【電子書籍】 John NiemanWorship and the Parish Church in Early Modern Britain【電子書籍】 Alec Ryrie(取寄) オルカイ レディース オハナ w OluKai women OluKai Ohana W Swell/Hua改訂版 はじめての草木染め【電子書籍】 ブティック社編集部Ergonomics for Design and Innovation Humanizing Work and Work Environment: Proceedings of HWWE 2021【電子書籍】Thermofluid Dynamics Unusual Problems with Analytical Solutions【電子書籍】 Michele CiofaloJapanese Business Down Under Patterns of Japanese Investment in Australia【電子書籍】 David W. EdgingtonAuf mich kannst du bauen Toni der H ttenwirt 238 Heimatroman【電子書籍】 Friederike von Buchnerコクヨ クリップボード クリップホルダ- A4 黒 ヨハ-50NDCaminhos para o Desenvolvimento Sustent vel perspectivas interdisciplinares: - Volume 3【電子書籍】 Paola Amanda Paradella MachadoA Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research Volume III: Interfaces and Applications of Artificial Intelligence【電子書籍】Many Are Called【電子書籍】 Dag Heward-Mills(取寄) オルカイ レディース オハナ w OluKai women OluKai Ohana W Swell/Hua


  • <p>It's a love story between two unlikely individuals. Pat is the beautiful brainiac daughter of a wealthy family in Westchester County, New York. By contrast, Marc is the son of a very middle-class family and seems to have only one true interest-magic. The two have an early friendship in grade school, which blossoms as they become older. Of course, there are detours along the way, but finally the two do learn that life is better when you have an advocate and true lover.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>The Parish Church was the primary site of religious practice throughout the early modern period. This was particularly so for the silent majority of the English population, who conformed outwardly to the successive religious upheavals of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. What such public conformity might have meant has attracted less attention - and, ironically, is sometimes less well documented - than the non-conformity or semi-conformity of recusants, church-papists, Puritan conventiclers or separatists. In this volume, ten leading scholars of early modern religion explore the experience of parish worship in England during the Reformation and the century that followed it. As the contributors argue, parish worship in this period was of critical theological, cultural and even political importance. The volume's key themes are the interlocking importance of liturgy, music, the sermon and the parishioners' own bodies; the ways in which religious change was received, initiat...


  • ■商品詳細■ブランドOluKai オルカイ■商品名OluKai Ohana Wオハナ w■商品状態新品未使用・並行輸入品■色Swell/Hua■詳細Olukaiは、持続可能性と社会的責任の高い基準を満たすことに専念する、誇り高い認定BCorporationブランドです。-マカイ(海に向かって)コレクションの一部。このOluKaiオハナWサンダルをご家族のように大切に。-耐水性、速乾性、多目的サンダル。ソフトナイロントゥポストウェビング。-OluKaiのロゴが入った合成皮革の防水アッパーストラップ。-ジャージーニットの裏地とネオプレンフォームの裏地で保護を強化。滑り止めのEVAフットベッドと圧縮成形されたEVAミッドソールにより、快適さと安定性を実現。-より深く、解剖学的に輪郭が描かれたドロップインコンフォートを使用して、フィット感を高め、気分を良くします。-サンゴ礁のラグデザインのノンマーキングラバーまたはガムラバーアウトソール。-製品の測定は、サイズ6、幅B-中を使用して行われました。サイズによりサイズが異なる場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。-測定:重量:170.10g■備考(取寄) オルカイ レディース オハナ w OluKai women OluKai Ohana W Swell/HuaOluKai オル...


  • <p>これから草木染めをはじめる人におすすめの入門書。タマネギの皮やお茶の葉など、身近な天然の材料で気楽に染め方を学べる。綿・麻・絹・ウールなど生地別の色見本で染め上がりが一目で分かる。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>This book presents the proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Indian Society of Ergonomics (HWWE), held in Guwahati, India, on December 1-3, 2021. By highlighting the latest theories and models, as well as cutting-edge technologies and applications, and by combining findings from a range of disciplines including engineering, design, health care, management, computer science, and behavioral science, it provides researchers and practitioners alike with a comprehensive, timely guide on user-centered design for quality life, human factors and ergonomics, design applications, cognitive processing, and response. It also offers an excellent source of innovative ideas to stimulate future discussions and developments aimed at applying knowledge and techniques to optimize system performance, while at the same time promoting the health, safety, and well-being of individuals. The proceedings includes papers from researchers and practitioners, scientists and physicians, ins...


  • <p>This book gathers ten thermofluid dynamics problems involving the use of analytical solutions. All these problems have been encountered by the author during his research activity; some of the solutions are his own contributions, while others either are classic literature results or can be derived from them. The physical phenomena involved range from pure hydrodynamics to flow with heat or mass transfer, two-phase flow, and magnetohydrodynamics. The problems discussed are not canonical problems; they are rarely found in textbooks, and often exhibit surprising, or even paradoxical, solutions. The potential readership of the book includes students, teachers and scientists in science and engineering interested in fluid dynamics and heat/mass transfer: to them it may offer food for thought, suggestions for lectures or tutorials and ideas for further original developments.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わら...


  • <p>The first comprehensive study of post-war Japanese transnational corporations in Australia, this book, first published in 1990, gives valuable insights into the particular characteristics of Japanese overseas investment. It looks at how, where and why Japanese corporations have set up their business activities in Australia, focusing on the economic, political and geographic factors shaping their operations. It presents case studies of Japanese trading companies, manufacturing companies, banks, and financial institutions. As well as highlighting the essential differences that separate Japanese transnational companies from those of the UK and the USA, the study gives new theoretical insights into the complex behaviour of Japanese corporations in their host countries.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Diese Bergroman-Serie stillt die Sehnsucht des modernen Stadtbewohners nach einer Welt voller Liebe und Gef?hle, nach Heimat und nat?rlichem Leben in einer verzaubernden Gebirgswelt. "Toni, der H?ttenwirt" aus den Bergen verliebt sich in Anna, die Bankerin aus Hamburg. Anna zieht hoch hinauf in seine wundersch?ne H?tte ? und eine der z?rtlichsten Romanzen nimmt ihren Anfang. Hemds?rmeligkeit, sprachliche Virtuosit?t, gro?artig geschilderter Gebirgszauber ? Friederike von Buchner trifft in ihren bereits ?ber 400 Romanen den Puls ihrer faszinierten Leser. Es war sp?terer Vormittag auf der Bergh?tte. Toni und Anna machten ihre Pause. Wie jeden Tag setzten sie sich mit einem Becher Kaffee auf die Terrasse, nachdem die Fr?harbeit erledigt war. Der alte Alois sa? bei ihnen am Tisch. Auf dem Stuhl neben ihm lag ein Stapel Zeitungen. Tonis Eltern, die in Waldkogel ein Wirtshaus mit Fremdenzimmer f?hrten, sammelten die Tageszeitungen der Woche und gaben sie Toni sonntags mit hinauf zur ...


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  • <p>A Organiza??o das Na??es Unidas prev? um crescimento da popula??o mundial para 9,6 bilh?es de pessoas no ano de 2050, muitas das quais viver?o em pa?ses que j? enfrentam inseguran?a alimentar. Esse cen?rio populacional traz consigo uma maior evidencia??o das preocupa??es acerca da urg?ncia em conciliar desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade, visto que, para alimentar tal popula??o, a produ??o agr?cola ter? de aumentar aproximadamente em 50%, situa??o dif?cil devido aos efeitos das altera??es clim?ticas sobre os cultivos agr?colas. Esta colet?nea re?ne tr?s artigos com relev?ncia acerca deste assunto, visto que o planejamento de culturas agr?colas devido a mudan?as clim?ticas afeta diretamente as agroind?strias, respons?veis pelo beneficiamento dos produtos gerados no campo. O Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudan?as Clim?ticas que aconteceu em 2021 apresentou an?lises cient?ficas alarmantes sobre os impactos das atividades antr?picas no planeta e, como consequ?ncia, uma crise ambie...


  • <p>The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of AI research, ranging from basic work to interfaces and applications, with as much emphasis on results as on current issues. It is aimed at an audience of master students and Ph.D. students, and can be of interest as well for researchers and engineers who want to know more about AI. The book is split into three volumes:</p> <p>- the first volume brings together twenty-three chapters dealing with the foundations of knowledge representation and the formalization of reasoning and learning (Volume 1. Knowledge representation, reasoning and learning)</p> <p>- the second volume offers a view of AI, in fourteen chapters, from the side of the algorithms (Volume 2. AI Algorithms)</p> <p>- the third volume, composed of sixteen chapters, describes the main interfaces and applications of AI (Volume 3. Interfaces and applications of AI).</p> <p>This third volume is dedicated to the interfaces of AI with various fields, wit...


  • <p>God has called many people indeed. Our life on earth is an opportunity to serve Him, and God has His eye on the things you are doing for his Kingdom. This book makes a stimulating read. If you imbibe the truths conveyed by the author, you will receive wisdom to use the opportunities of your life in the right way. Own your copy by ordering online now.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • ■商品詳細■ブランドOluKai オルカイ■商品名OluKai Ohana Wオハナ w■商品状態新品未使用・並行輸入品■色Swell/Hua■詳細Olukaiは、持続可能性と社会的責任の高い基準を満たすことに専念する、誇り高い認定BCorporationブランドです。-マカイ(海に向かって)コレクションの一部。このOluKaiオハナWサンダルをご家族のように大切に。-耐水性、速乾性、多目的サンダル。ソフトナイロントゥポストウェビング。-OluKaiのロゴが入った合成皮革の防水アッパーストラップ。-ジャージーニットの裏地とネオプレンフォームの裏地で保護を強化。滑り止めのEVAフットベッドと圧縮成形されたEVAミッドソールにより、快適さと安定性を実現。-より深く、解剖学的に輪郭が描かれたドロップインコンフォートを使用して、フィット感を高め、気分を良くします。-サンゴ礁のラグデザインのノンマーキングラバーまたはガムラバーアウトソール。-製品の測定は、サイズ6、幅B-中を使用して行われました。サイズによりサイズが異なる場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。-測定:重量:170.10g■備考(取寄) オルカイ レディース オハナ w OluKai women OluKai Ohana W Swell/HuaOluKai オル...
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