
Algorithms【電子書籍】 Panos LouridasAgile Artificial Intelligence in Pharo Implementing Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, and Neuroevolution【電子書籍】 Alexandre BergelNeuromorphic Engineering The Scientist’s, Algorithms Designer’s and Computer Architect’s Perspectives on Brain-Inspired Computing【電子書籍】 Elishai Ezra Tsur改變世界的九大演算法:讓今日電腦無所不能的最強概念(暢銷經典版) Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future: The Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today 039 s Computers【電子書籍】 約翰 麥考米克(John MacCormick)The Art of Computer Programming Volume 2 Seminumerical Algorithms Third Edition 日本語版 Donald E.KnuthError Correction Coding Mathematical Methods and Algorithms【電子書籍】 Todd K. MoonApproximation and Online Algorithms 15th International Workshop, WAOA 2017, Vienna, Austria, September 7 8, 2017, Revised Selected Papers【電子書籍】The Logic of Logistics Theory, Algorithms, and Applications for Logistics Management【電子書籍】 David Simchi-LeviThe Digital Mindset What It Really Takes to Thrive in the Age of Data, Algorithms, and AI【電子書籍】 Paul LeonardiMachine Learning For Absolute Beginners A Step by Step guide Algorithms For Supervised and Unsupervised Learning With Real World Applications【電子書籍】 Raymond KazuyaLie Algebras: Theory and Algorithms【電子書籍】 W.A. de GraafApproximation Methods for Polynomial Optimization Models, Algorithms, and Applications【電子書籍】 Zhening LiAlgorithms Unlocked【電子書籍】 Thomas H. CormenThe Art of Computer Programming Volume 2 Seminumerical Algorithms Third Edition 日本語版【電子書籍】 Donald E. KnuthLearning Genetic Algorithms with Python: Empower the Performance of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Models with the Capabilities of a Powerful Search Algorithm (English Edition)【電子書籍】 Ivan GridinThe Art of Computer Programming Volume 4B Combinatorial Algorithms Part 2 日本語版 Donald E.KnuthLearning OpenCV 4 Computer Vision with Python 3 Get to grips with tools, techniques, and algorithms for computer vision and machine learning, 3rd Edition【電子書籍】 Joseph HowseTechnically Wrong: Sexist Apps, Biased Algorithms, and Other Threats of Toxic Tech【電子書籍】 Sara Wachter-Boettcher【中古】 The Art of Computer Programming 日本語版(Volume1) Fundamental Algorithms ASCII Addison Wesley Programming Series/ドナルド クヌComputer Holography Acceleration Algorithms and Hardware Implementations【電子書籍】 Tomoyoshi Shimobaba


  • <p><strong>In the tradition of Real World Algorithms: A Beginner's Guide, Panos Louridas is back to introduce algorithms in an accessible manner, utilizing various examples to explain not just what algorithms are but how they work.</strong></p> <p>Digital technology runs on algorithms, sets of instructions that describe how to do something efficiently. Application areas range from search engines to tournament scheduling, DNA sequencing, and machine learning. Arguing that every educated person today needs to have some understanding of algorithms and what they do, in this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Panos Louridas offers an introduction to algorithms that is accessible to the nonspecialist reader. Louridas explains not just what algorithms are but also how they work, offering a wide range of examples and keeping mathematics to a minimum.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらな...


  • <p>Cover classical algorithms commonly used as artificial intelligence techniques and program agile artificial intelligence applications using Pharo. This book takes a practical approach by presenting the implementation details to illustrate the numerous concepts it explains.</p> <p>Along the way, you’ll learn neural net fundamentals to set you up for practical examples such as the traveling salesman problem and cover genetic algorithms including a fun zoomorphic creature example. Furthermore, <em>Practical Agile AI with Pharo</em> finishes with a data classification application and two game applications including a Pong-like game and a Flappy Bird-like game. This book is informative and fun, giving you source code to play along with. You’ll be able to take this source code and apply it to your own projects.</p> <p><strong>What You Will Learn</strong></p> <ul> <li>Use neurons, neural networks, learning theory, and more</li> <li>Work with genetic algorithm...


  • <p>The brain is not a glorified digital computer. It does not store information in registers, and it does not mathematically transform mental representations to establish perception or behavior. The brain cannot be downloaded to a computer to provide immortality, nor can it destroy the world by having its emerged consciousness traveling in cyberspace. However, studying the brain's core computation architecture can inspire scientists, computer architects, and algorithm designers to think fundamentally differently about their craft.</p> <p>Neuromorphic engineers have the ultimate goal of realizing machines with some aspects of cognitive intelligence. They aspire to design computing architectures that could surpass existing digital von Neumann-based computing architectures' performance. In that sense, brain research bears the promise of a new computing paradigm. As part of a complete cognitive hardware and software ecosystem, neuromorphic engineering opens new frontiers for neuro...


  • <p>榮獲美國出版人協會(Association of American Publishers)電腦資訊科學最佳書籍獎</p> <p>電腦網路技術無所不在:?天,我們從海量的資訊中搜尋到所要的資訊、我們上傳照片到臉書上、我們運用公鑰加密來傳送私人資訊例如信用?號碼等等、我們使用數位簽章來確認所造訪的網站的真偽……</p> <p>這本書介紹了讓電腦網路世界得以運作,塑造今日人類生活的九種最重要的演算法(algorithm)。作者挑選這九大演算法的標準是:</p> <p>1.?天會被一般電腦使用者用到的演算法。</p> <p>2.必須能解決現實世界的具體問題。</p> <p>3.主要是與資訊科學理論有關的演算法。</p> <ol start="4"> <li>美、簡潔、優雅。</li> </ol> <p>本書所介紹的九大演算法是:搜尋引ケイ的索引(search engine indexing)、網頁排序(page rank)、公鑰加密(public-key cryptography)、錯誤更正碼(error-correcting codes)、模式辨識(pattern recognition,如手寫辨識、聲音辨識、人臉辨識等等)、資料壓縮(data compression)、資料庫(databases)、數位簽章(digital signature),以及一種如果存在的話將會很了不起的偉大演算法,並探討電腦能力的極限。<...


  • Donald E.Knuth 有澤 誠 ドワンゴBKSCPN_【ニコカド2016_7倍】【DEAL1610】 ジ・アート・オブ・コンピュータ・プログラミング・ボリュームツー・セミニューメリカル・アルゴリズム・サード・エディション・ニホンゴバン ドナルド イークヌース アリサワ マコト 発行年月:2015年07月24日 予約締切日:2015年07月23日 ページ数:744p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784048694162 原書第3版 有澤誠(アリサワマコト) 1967年東京大学工学部計数工学科卒業。通産省電総研、Stanford大学大学院、山梨大学工学部等を経て、1990年から慶應義塾大学環境情報学部勤務。ソフトウエア工学、アルゴリズム論、コンテンツ工学、交通運輸情報などに関心をもつ。2010年慶應義塾大学名誉教授 和田英一(ワダエイイチ) 1955年東京大学理学部物理学科卒業。東京大学工学部、富士通研究所を経てIIJ技術研究所。プログラム言語、操作システムなどソフトウェアシステムやインターフェースに関心があり、Happy Hacking Keyboard,和田研フォントの開発に関与、IFIP WG2.1、WIDEプロジェクトメンバー 斎藤博昭(サイトウヒロアキ) 慶應義塾大学工学部数理工学科卒業。現在、同大学理工学部情報...


  • <p><strong>Providing in-depth treatment of error correction</strong></p> <p><em>Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms,</em> 2nd Edition provides a comprehensive introduction to classical and modern methods of error correction. The presentation provides a clear, practical introduction to using a lab-oriented approach. Readers are encouraged to implement the encoding and decoding algorithms with explicit algorithm statements and the mathematics used in error correction, balanced with an algorithmic development on how to actually do the encoding and decoding. Both block and stream (convolutional) codes are discussed, and the mathematics required to understand them are introduced on a "just-in-time" basis as the reader progresses through the book.</p> <p>The <em>second edition</em> increases the impact and reach of the book, updating it to discuss recent important technological advances. New material includes:</p> <ul> <li>Extensive cov...


  • <p>This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed workshop post-proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms, WAOA 2017, held in Vienna, Austria, in September 2017 as part of ALGO 2017.</p> <p>The 23 revised full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 50 submissions. Topics of interest for WAOA 2017 were: graph algorithms; inapproximability results; network design; packing and covering; paradigms for the design and analysis of approximation and online algorithms; parameterized complexity; scheduling problems; algorithmic game theory; coloring and partitioning; competitive analysis; computational advertising; computational finance; cuts and connectivity; geometric problems; mechanism design; resource augmentation; and real-world applications.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページ...


  • <p>Fierce competition in today's global market provides a powerful motivation for developing ever more sophisticated logistics systems. This book, written for the logistics manager and researcher, presents a survey of the modern theory and application of logistics. The goal of the book is to present the state of the art in the science of logistics management.</p> <p>This third edition includes new chapters on the subjects of game theory, the power of process flexibility, supply chain competition and collaboration. Among the other materials new to the edition are sections on discrete convex analysis and its applications to stochastic inventory models, as well as extended discussions of integrated inventory and pricing models. The material presents a timely and authoritative survey of the field that will make an invaluable companion to the work of many researchers and practitioners.</p> <p>Review of earlier edition:</p> <p>"The present book focuses on the application of ...


  • <p>We all need to be digital, right? Everyone knows that. But while most will acknowledge this, many still wonder "What does it mean to <em>be digital</em>?" This book will help you answer that and develop a digital mindset to help you succeed in your career and as a leader. It explains in plain terms what it means to be digital, and how to go about getting there.</p> <ul> <li>Finally, a manual that tells you, specifically, how to be digitally intelligentーnot just that you ought to be.</li> <li>Evidence-based advice proffered for a general audience.</li> <li>Demystifies what’s often presented as a nebulous concept.</li> <li>Encouraging in that it shows it’s not as hard to get there as you might think.</li> </ul> <p>Audience:</p> <ul> <li>Individuals who want to grow in their career by embracing digital technologies and using digital technology to their advantage <em>regardless of what field they work in</em>.</li> <li>Digital natives who ...


  • <p>Machines can LEARN ?!?!</p> <p>Machine learning occurs primarily through the use of " algorithms" and other elaborate procedures.</p> <p>Whether you're a novice, intermediate or expert this book will teach you all the ins, outs and everything you need to know about machine learning.</p> <p>Instead of spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on courses/materials why not read this book instead?</p> <p>Its a worthwhile read and the most valuable investment you can make for yourself.</p> <p>What You'll Learn</p> <p>- Supervised Learning</p> <p>-Unsupervised Learning</p> <p>-Reinforced Learning</p> <p>- Algorithms</p> <p>-Decision Tree</p> <p>-Random Forest</p> <p>-Neural Networks</p> <p>-Python</p> <p>-Deep Learning</p> <p>-And much, much more!</p> <p>☆★☆ Grab your copy now! ☆★☆</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をク...


  • <p>The aim of the present work is two-fold. Firstly it aims at a giving an account of many existing algorithms for calculating with finite-dimensional Lie algebras. Secondly, the book provides an introduction into the theory of finite-dimensional Lie algebras. These two subject areas are intimately related. First of all, the algorithmic perspective often invites a different approach to the theoretical material than the one taken in various other monographs (e.g., [42], [48], [77], [86]). Indeed, on various occasions the knowledge of certain algorithms allows us to obtain a straightforward proof of theoretical results (we mention the proof of the Poincar?-Birkhoff-Witt theorem and the proof of Iwasawa's theorem as examples). Also proofs that contain algorithmic constructions are explicitly formulated as algorithms (an example is the isomorphism theorem for semisimple Lie algebras that constructs an isomorphism in case it exists). Secondly, the algorithms can be used to arrive at a ...


  • <p>Polynomial optimization have been a hot research topic for the past few years and its applications range from Operations Research, biomedical engineering, investment science, to quantum mechanics, linear algebra, and signal processing, among many others. In this brief the authors discuss some important subclasses of polynomial optimization models arising from various applications, with a focus on approximations algorithms with guaranteed worst case performance analysis. The brief presents a clear view of the basic ideas underlying the design of such algorithms and the benefits are highlighted by illustrative examples showing the possible applications.</p> <p>This timely treatise will appeal to researchers and graduate students in the fields of optimization, computational mathematics, Operations Research, industrial engineering, and computer science.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こ...


  • <p><strong>For anyone who has ever wondered how computers solve problems, an engagingly written guide for nonexperts to the basics of computer algorithms.</strong></p> <p>Have you ever wondered how your GPS can find the fastest way to your destination, selecting one route from seemingly countless possibilities in mere seconds? How your credit card account number is protected when you make a purchase over the Internet? The answer is algorithms. And how do these mathematical formulations translate themselves into your GPS, your laptop, or your smart phone? This book offers an engagingly written guide to the basics of computer algorithms. In <em>Algorithms Unlocked</em>, Thomas Cormenーcoauthor of the leading college textbook on the subjectーprovides a general explanation, with limited mathematics, of how algorithms enable computers to solve problems.</p> <p>Readers will learn what computer algorithms are, how to describe them, and how to evaluate them. They will disc...


  • <p>Knuth先生の名著『The Art of Computer Programming』シリーズの2冊目。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>Refuel your AI Models and ML applications with High-Quality Optimization and Search Solutions</strong></p> <p><strong>DESCRIPTION</strong></p> <p>Genetic algorithms are one of the most straightforward and powerful techniques used in machine learning. This book 'Learning Genetic Algorithms with Python' guides the reader right from the basics of genetic algorithms to its real practical implementation in production environments.</p> <p>Each of the chapters gives the reader an intuitive understanding of each concept. You will learn how to build a genetic algorithm from scratch and implement it in real-life problems. Covered with practical illustrated examples, you will learn to design and choose the best model architecture for the particular tasks. Cutting edge examples like radar and football manager problem statements, you will learn to solve high-dimensional big data challenges with ways of optimizing genetic algorithms.</p> <p><strong>KEY FEATU...


  • Donald E.Knuth 和田 英一 ドワンゴジアートオブコンピュータプログラミングボリュームフォービー コンビネートリアルアルゴリズムパートツーニホンゴバン ドナルド イークヌース ワダ エイイチ 発行年月:2023年12月18日 予約締切日:2023年11月03日 ページ数:728p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784048931144 和田英一(ワダエイイチ) 1955年東京大学理学部物理学科卒業。東京大学工学部、富士通研究所を経てIIJ技術研究所。プログラム言語、操作システムなどソフトウェアシステムやインターフェースに関心があり、Happy Hacking Keyboard、和田研フォントの開発に関与、WIDEプロジェクトメンバー 岩崎英哉(イワサキヒデヤ) 1983年東京大学工学部計数工学科卒業。1988年東京大学大学院工学系研究科情報工学専攻博士課程修了。工学博士。東京大学、東京農工大学、電気通信大学を経て、明治大学理工学部専任教授。専門分野は、プログラミング言語、システムソフトウェア 田村直之(タムラナオユキ) 1980年神戸大学理学部物理学科卒業。1985年同大学大学院自然科学研究科修了(学術博士)。日本IBMを経て1988年より神戸大学に所属。論理プログラミング、制約プログラミ...


  • <p><strong>Updated for OpenCV 4 and Python 3, this book covers the latest on depth cameras, 3D tracking, augmented reality, and deep neural networks, helping you solve real-world computer vision problems with practical code</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Build powerful computer vision applications in concise code with OpenCV 4 and Python 3</li> <li>Learn the fundamental concepts of image processing, object classification, and 2D and 3D tracking</li> <li>Train, use, and understand machine learning models such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and neural networks</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>Computer vision is a rapidly evolving science, encompassing diverse applications and techniques. This book will not only help those who are getting started with computer vision but also experts in the domain. You'll be able to put theory into practice by building apps with OpenCV 4 and Python 3.</p> <p>You'll start by understanding Open...


  • <p><strong>“An entertaining romp that tells us where and why the tech industry, once America’s darling, went wrong, and what it might do to recover its good graces.” ーTim Wu, author of <em>The Master Switch</em></strong></p> <p>Buying groceries, tracking our health, finding a date: whatever we want to do, odds are that we can now do it online. But few of us realize just how many oversights, biases, and downright ethical nightmares are baked inside the tech products we use every day. It’s time we change that.</p> <p>In <em>Technically Wrong</em>, Sara Wachter-Boettcher demystifies the tech industry, leaving those of us on the other side of the screen better prepared to make informed choices about the services we useーand to demand more from the companies behind them.</p> <p>A <em>Wired</em> Top Tech Book of the Year<br /> A <em>Fast Company</em> Best Business and Leadership Book of the Year</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご...


  • ドナルド・クヌース(著者),有沢誠(訳者),和田英一(訳者),青木孝(訳者),筧一彦(訳者),鈴木健一(訳者),長尾高弘(訳者)販売会社/発売会社:アスキー発売年月日:2004/02/17JAN:9784756144119


  • <p>This book describes algorithms and hardware implementations of computer holography, especially in terms of fast calculation. It summarizes the basics of holography and computer holography and describes how conventional diffraction calculations play a central role. Numerical implementations by actual codes will also be discussed. This book will explain new fast diffraction calculations, such as scaled scalar diffraction.</p> <p><em>Computer Holography</em> will also explain acceleration algorithms for computer-generated hologram (CGH) generation and digital holography with 3D objects composed of point clouds, using look-up table- (LUT) based algorithms, and a wave front recording plane. 3D objects composed of polygons using tilted plane diffraction, expressed by multi-view images and RGB-D images, will be explained in this book. Digital holography, including inline, off-axis, Gabor digital holography, and phase shift digital holography, will also be explored.</p> <p>...
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