cancer chemotherapy

Handbook of Cancer Chemotherapy Skeel, Roland T.Cancer Chemotherapy in Clinical Practice【電子書籍】 Terrence PriestmanPlatinum and Other Heavy Metal Compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications【電子書籍】洋書 Paperback, Concepts, Clinical Developments, and Therapeutic Advances in Cancer Chemotherapy (Cancer Treatment and Research)洋書 Paperback, Progress in -Cancer Chemotherapy (Progress in -Cancer Chemotherapy, 3)Drug Delivery in Cancer Treatment II Symptom Control, Cytokines, Chemotherapy【電子書籍】Adjuvant Chemotherapy of Breast Cancer Papers Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Adjuvant Chemotherapy of Breast Cancer, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Switzerland, March 1 3, 1984【電子書籍】Hope and Help A Planner for Cancer Patients Going Through Chemotherapy Treatment【電子書籍】 Bridgette Eilers洋書 Paperback, Fuck Cancer You Got This : Blank Lined Diary: Funny Inspirational Cancer Gift for men or women diagnosed with Cancer because Cancer Sucks and so does radiation treatment and chemotherapyJenny Her Dog Both Fight Cancer A Tale of Chemotherapy and Caring【電子書籍】 Jewel KatsClinically Relevant Resistance in Cancer Chemotherapy【電子書籍】動物病院のためのがん化学療法実践マニュアル / 原タイトル:Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Team 本/雑誌 / KennethCrump/編 DouglasH.Thamm/編 丸尾幸嗣/監訳 伊藤祐典/訳 岩崎遼太/訳 川部美史/訳 柴橋彩美/訳 高橋舞子/訳 藤田誠司/訳 村上麻美/訳 矢野How To Prevent and Reverse Cancer Naturally Strategies to defeat cancer without Chemotherapy, Beat breast, and prostate colon cancers, Starve cancer cells with diet, and lifestyle changes, recipes, diet and smoothies【電子書籍】 Sam HolenBangers And Mash: How To Take On Throat Cancer, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy And Win, With Help From An Nlp Coach【電子書籍】 Keith HernCoping with Cancer Chemotherapy Treatment: What You Need to Know to Get Through Chemo Sessions Cancer and Chemotherapy【電子書籍】 Anthea PeriesCancer Management in Man Biological Response Modifiers, Chemotherapy, Antibiotics, Hyperthermia, Supporting Measures【電子書籍】Cancer Management in Man: Chemotherapy, Biological Therapy, Hyperthermia and Supporting Measures【電子書籍】【中古】【未使用 未開封品】Physician 039 s Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2020How I Conquered Breast Cancer Without Chemotherapy My Journey From a Mess to a Message【電子書籍】 Francisca Epale, MA, DTMTHE CHEMOTHERAPY RECIPE BOOK DISCOVER SEVERAL RECIPES TO EAT DURING CANCER TREATMENT TO AID RECOVERY.【電子書籍】 Kimberly Owens


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  • <p>A simple introduction explaining the broad principles underlying chemotherapy, this book gives trainees a framework within which they can place the specific aspects of cancer chemotherapy they encounter in their everyday experience. The first part of this book is unique in explaining the recent developments in the field in terms of their point of action in the natural history of cancer. The second and third sections contain a more straightforward description of practical aspects of chemotherapy, and the current place of drug treatment in everyday cancer management, including the outcomes of that treatment.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Cisplatin, the first member of the family of platinum-containing chemotherapeutic agents, was discovered by Barnett Rosenberg in 1965 and approved by the FDA for marketing in 1978. After 30 years of use in the clinic, cisplatin remains a central element of many treatment regimens. Cisplatin is still an irreplaceable component of a regimen that produces high cure rates in even advanced nonseminomatous germ-cell cancers, and is widely used in the treatment of ovarian cancers and other gynecologic cancers, head and neck, and numerous other tumor types. The development of carboplatin has reduced some of the adverse events associated with cisplatin treatment, and the introduction of the DACH platinum compound oxaliplatin has broadened the spectrum of activity of the platinums to include gastro-intestinal cancers, especially colorectal cancer. The clinical importance of this family of drugs continues to drive investigation into how these drugs work and how to improve their efficacy a...


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  • <p>The European School of Oncology came into existence to respond to a need for information, education and training in the field of the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. There are two main reasons why such an initiative was considered necessary. Firstly, the teaching of oncology requires a rigorously multidiscipli nary approach which is difficult for the Universities to put into practice since their system is mainly disciplinary orientated. Secondly, the rate of technological development that impinges on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer has been so rapid that it is not an easy task for medical faculties to adapt their curricula flexibly. With its residential courses for organ pathologies and the seminars on new techniques (laser, monoclonal antibodies, imaging techniques etc.) or on the principal therapeutic controversies (conservative or mutilating surgery, primary or adjuvant chemotherapy, radiotherapy alone or integrated), it is the ambition of the European School of Onco...


  • <p>H.-J. Senn Adjuvant Chemotherapy (ACT) of breast cancer has now emerged as one of the controversial su):>jects in clinical and also experimental oncology. Driven by growing frustration about stagnating cure rates in breast cancer [1,4] and stimulated by elegant demonstration of highly curative effects of adjuvant systemic therapy in animal models [6, 11] and in several childhood neoplasias [15], researchers introduced ACT to the primary treatment of breast cancer with great hope some 15 years ago. After a first wave of isolated "historic" trials with generally limited but in one case remarkable success [5, 9], a second generation of ACT studies was initiated by NSABP investigators and oncology centers in Europe [2, 6, 13]. These trials were well conducted statistically and diagnostically, and all in the early 1970s included a surgical control arm. Early and intermediate beneficial effects on relapse-free survival (RFS) after 2-3 years median observation time then prompted a wh...


  • <p>This book was published to help give cancer patients going through chemotherapy treatment a way to stay organized. From my own experiences with chemotherapy I created this helpful tool to help you through out your difficult time. The doctor always asked me, what were your side effects, what did you eat, and do you have any questions for me. Well half of the time, I did not have an answer because I had information scattered around some info in this binder, some info in that binder. I could of really used something like this during my journey. You will get lots of binders and books with information and statistics. This is the exact opposite. It is for you to fill with your information, not be reminded that you are a statistic. I hope that this book offers that little piece of mind to help you stay organized during treatment.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※こ...


  • *** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムから自動保留します。カタカナで記載が必要な場合はカタカナ変わりローマ字で記載してください。 ・お名前またはご住所が法人・団体名義(XX株式会社等)、商店名などを含めている場合、または電話番号が個人のものではない場合、税関から法人名義でみなされますのでご注意ください。 ・転送サービス会社への発送もできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 *** ・注文後品切れや価格変動でキャンセルされる場合がございますので予めご了承願います。 ・当店でご購入された商品は、原則として、「個...


  • <p><strong>Jenny, a young girl undergoing treatment for cancer, discovers that her best friend, Dolly, also has cancer.</strong> Dolly is the family's dog, who has always been at Jenny's side through trying times, and Jenny vows to support Dolly as well. This bittersweet tale is a story of mutual devotion and loyalty. While the prognosis is not good for dogs with cancer, Dolly's love provides enduring hope and support for Jenny on her healing journey.</p> <p>"Wow! I love this honest, refreshing book about childhood cancer and the tender, loving bond of a courageous child with her dog that enables them to endure the intolerable chemotherapy treatments and gives them all the more reason to do so. Highly recommended!"<br /> --David A. Crenshaw, Ph.D., ABPP, Author, & Clinical Director, Children's Home of Poughkeepsie</p> <p>"In this book, Jenny and her dog, Dolly, both get the dreaded cancer diagnosis. In this sweet, moving journey, Jenny and Dolly show us how they figh...


  • <p>Over the last several decades, the introduction of new chemotherapeutic drugs and drug combinations has resulted in increased long term remission rates in several important tumor types. These include childhood leukemia, adult leukemias and lymphomas, as well as testicular and trophoblastic tumors. The addition of high-dose chemotherapy with growth factor and hemopoietic stem cell support has increased clinical remission rates even further. For the majority of patients with some of the more common malignancies, however, palliation (rather than cure) is still the most realistic goal of chemotherapy for metastatic disease. The failure of chemotherapy to cure metastatic cancer is commonly referred to among clinicians as "drug resistance". This phenomenon can, however, often be viewed as the survival of malignant cells that resulted from a failure to deliver an effective drug dose to the (cellular) target because of anyone of or combination of a multitude of individual factors. Clin...


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明><アーティスト/キャスト>高橋舞子(演奏者)<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-1843261KennethCrump / Hen DouglasH. Thamm / Hen Maruo Koji / Kanyaku Ito Yu Nori / Yaku Iwasaki Ryo Futoshi / Yaku Kawabe Yoshi Shi / Yaku SHIBA Hashi Ayami / Yaku Takahashi Maiko / Yaku Fujita Seiji / Yaku Murakami Asami / Yaku Yano Susumu Hajime / Yaku / Dobutsu Byoin No Tame No Gan Kagaku Ryoho Jissen Manual / Original Title: Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Teamメディア:本/雑誌重量:340g発売日:2013/09JAN:9784899957850動物病院のためのがん化学療法実践マニュアル / 原タイトル:Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Team[本/雑誌] / KennethCrump/編 DouglasH.Thamm/編 丸尾幸嗣/監訳 伊藤祐典/訳 岩崎遼太/訳 川部美史/訳 柴橋彩美/訳 高橋舞子/訳 藤田誠司/訳 村上麻美/訳 矢野将基/訳2013/09発売


  • <p><strong>?With a Bonus "100-day Meal Plans For kids with Cancer, 20 comfort foods for kids with cancer and 23 special anticancer cooked meals”?</strong></p> <p>Cancer is a major public health problem worldwide. It is estimated that approximately 21% of men and 18% of women will develop cancer at some point. These staggering numbers are expected to increase as the population grows and ages.</p> <p>Cancer occurs when cells grow abnormally and invade other tissues in the body. It is not a single disease; However, different types of cancer can have different causes, symptoms, and health effects.</p> <p>Are you concerned about cancer and its impact on your life? "How to Prevent and Reverse Cancer" is the powerful solution you need. Whether you are a cancer patient or seeking to prevent it, this comprehensive guide offers proven strategies to not only prevent cancer but also reverse cancer and its effects. By making simple lifestyle changes, adjusting your diet, and ad...


  • What is it really like to hear the words you have throat cancer? In Bangers and Mash, food-and-wine-loving photographer Keith Hern tells us with honesty and humour exactly what it s like. From the grim reality of chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments to unexpected moments of real warmth and kindness from friends old and new, the fight to survive is vividly described. With the help of an NLP coach, Keith challenges the cancer head-on and emerges triumphant into a new, more colourful world. A powerfully uplifting read.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>Coping with Cancer & Chemotherapy Treatment: What You Need to Know to Get Through Chemo Sessions.</strong></p> <p>ABOUT THIS BOOK<br /> This book is for anyone diagnosed with cancer or knows someone who has been. It can be read from any chapter heading. It is not a technical medical book or, neither does it give in-depth information about your treatment plan; which will be provided to you by your own healthcare professionals.<br /> Instead, this book can be read by anyone, it covers most aspects of cancer, and coping with chemotherapy treatment. It is a mindful, inspirational guide, to raise your awareness about cancer, and what to expect before, during and after chemo sessions. It contains practical advice and information, chemo treatment side effects, tips, and it makes a useful reference book or, may be given as a gift to someone you know diagnosed or coping with cancer.<br /> The more holistic and targeted knowledge you can acquire the better, less anx...


  • <p>This volume, the last in this series on cancer growth and Moreover, the current status of plant-derived vinca alka progression, is a companion volume to Volume IX and loids and non-alkaloid natural products is summarized. further explores established and novel approaches for the Advances in hyperthermia and additional approaches for therapy of patients with malignant neoplasms. The stra the therapy of malignancies are also presented. tegies reflected in these volumes are direct extrapolations The volume continues with chapters on bone marrow from the basic science of cancer biology, growth and pro transplantation as well as hematologic and nutritional sup gression described in earlier volumes of this series. Some port for the cancer patient. Blood pressure in the cancer approaches are directed towards the eradication or modifi patient, therapy for nausea and vomiting as well as pain are cation of the properties of heterogeneous malignant tumor discussed. The last chapter is dev...


  • <p>This book represents a comprehensive description and evaluation of the most up-to-date approaches to cancer management. Each chapter, prepared by leading basic researchers and clinicians, provides an in depth description of a specific method for cancer management. The chemotherapy section of the book is updated to include the newest drugs as well as those currently in development. Organized by drug class, this section provides the latest information on most drugs, including their mechanisms of action, interactions with other agents, toxicities, side effects, and mechanisms of resistance. The biological therapy section of the book provides expanded coverage of the currently used cytokines, vaccines, and cell based therapies of cancer. Full consideration is also given to other modern treatment approaches, such as tyrosine kinase inhibitors, inhibitors of tumor angiogenesis, and the transcatheter management of cancer. Current advances in hyperthermia in cancer treatment, hematolog...


  • 【中古】【未使用・未開封品】Physician's Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2020【メーカー名】【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】Jones & Bartlett Publishers Oncology, Paperback Store, Amazon Student ポイント還元(洋書), Amazonアプリキャンペーン対象商品(洋書), 洋書(アダルト除く) Chu, Edward: Author; DeVita, Vincent T., Jr., M.D.: Author【商品説明】Physician's Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2020【注意】こちらは輸入品となります。当店では初期不良に限り、商品到着から7日間は返品を 受付けております。こちらは当店海外ショップで一般の方から買取した未使用・未開封品です。買取した為、中古扱いとしております。他モールとの併売品の為、完売の際はご連絡致しますのでご了承ください。ご注文からお届けまで1、ご注文⇒ご注文は24時間受け付けております。2、注文確認⇒ご注文後、当店から注文確認メールを送信します。3、当店海外倉庫から当店日本倉庫を経由しお届けしますので10〜30営業日程度でのお届けとなります。4、入金確認⇒前払い決済をご選択の場合、ご入金確認後、配送手配を致します。5、出荷⇒配送準備が整い次第、出荷致します。配送...


  • <p>A journey of survival! On August 1 2019, Francisca heard the words that no one ever wants to hear come out of their doctor's mouth: "You have cancer." She knew from that moment on, that her life would never be the same. But contrary to what you may think, her life actually got better! In Francisca's story "How I Conquered Breast Cancer without Chemotherapy: My Journey from a Mess to a Message", she wants to share with you her journey from being a cancer patient to being a cancer survivor within a year. She will share with you every lifestyle change that she implemented and how it became clear that every choice she makes directly affects her overall wellbeing. From food to prayer, supplements to exercise, this book will provide you with great insight as to how everything in your life can directly affect your physical health. Francisca's passion is to share as much as she can about her healing journey with people so that she may help others live long, energetic and fruitful lives...


  • <p>Chеmоthеrару ?? thе general tеrm ?n wh?сh mаnу different chemical аgеnt? аrе u?еd tо kill оr stop thе growth оf саnсеr сеll? аnd еvеn kills саnсеr сеll?; those аrе in еx??tеnсе ??nсе a lоng way frоm thе оr?g?nаl саnсеr. Th?? trеаtmеnt hеlр? to brеаk off the рrосе?? оf mult?рl?саt?оn оf cells.</p> <p>Injесt?оn run? drug?, in a pill form or еvеn аррl?еd оn skin. Dose оr duration оf chemotherapy dереnd? оn thе tуре of саnсеr уоu have, your сurrеnt state оf health, your medical history, area оf cancer etc. Sоmеt?mе? d?ffеrеnt drug соmb?nаt?оn? аrе also used for bеttеr results. Doctors keep trу?ng constantly w?th nеw combinations tо ?mрrоvе trеаtmеnt.</p> <p>Chemotherapy trеаtmеnt ?? g?vеn in сусlе? wh?сh may соnt?nuе frоm days tо several wееk? depending оn the соnd?t?оn of thе d??еа?е. The mеd?с?nе? are g?vеn in different forms ассоrd?ng tо thе type оf cancer аnd th?? ?? decided bу the doctor. Thе d?ffеrеnt chemotherapy forms are :</p> <p>1)Intrаvеnоu? (IV) -</p> <p...
  • 上に戻る