glenn underground

A Man Called Horse John Horse and the Black Seminole Underground Railroad【電子書籍】 Glennette Tilley Turner【輸入盤】 Glenn Underground グレンアンダーグラウンド / July 12 1979 【CD】【輸入盤】 July 12 1979 Glenn UndergroundThe Legendary Kokoweef Mountain Underground River of Gold The Search Continues【電子書籍】 Glenn A. Terris


  • <p><strong>A daring account of Black Seminole warrior, chief, and diplomat John Horse and the route he forged on the Underground Railroad to gain freedom for his people</strong></p> <p>John Horse (c. 1812?1882, also known as Juan Caballo) was a famed chief, warrior, tactician, and diplomat who played a dominant role in Black Seminole affairs for half a century. His story is central to that of the Black Seminolesーdescendants of Seminole Indians, free Blacks, and escaped slaves who formed an alliance in Spanish Florida. A political and military leader of mixed Seminole and African heritage, Horse defended his people from the US government, other tribes, and slave hunters.</p> <p><em>A Man Called Horse</em> focuses on the little-known life of Horse while also putting into historical perspective the larger story of Native Americans and especially Black Seminoles, helping to connect the missing “dots” in this period. After fighting during the Second Seminole War (1835?...


  • 出荷目安の詳細はこちら商品説明Disco Demolition Night〜Disco Sucks運動を提示したタイトルからも明確なコンセプトが伺えるシカゴの重鎮グレン・アンダーグラウンドのニューアルバムは、全編にディスコのエッセンスが散りばめられた極上の1枚!ハウスのルーツでもあるディスコの魅力を今一度伝えるべく製作された本作にはただひたすら煮詰められたような黒さが滲んでおり、ディスコシーンが確立されているシカゴネイティヴであるグレン・アンダーグラウンドならではのリアルなディスコパートが満載されている。壮大なストリングス、冴え渡るキーボードワーク、ロイ・エアーズさながらのヴィブラフォン、Bサイド・ディスコのような玄人も唸るアフロダブまで、グルーヴとドライヴ感に重点を置いたベースラインが終始リスナーを魅了する作品に仕上がった。 (メーカー資料より)曲目リストDisc11.Calor (Heat)/2.For The Love Of Money Disco Dub Band / For The Love Of Money/3.Master Fuse/4.Scenic Route/5.The Band Played On/6.DiscoSucks (Interlude)/7.Going Bananas (Gorilla Disco)/8.Service/9.AfterHours/10.Reckless Art/11.CVO Soul (Outerlude)


  • Glenn Undergroundグレン アンダーグラウンド 発売日:2012年12月10日 予約締切日:2012年12月03日 JAN:0899123011488 SJUCD004 Tribe Records CD ダンス・ソウル クラブ・ディスコ 輸入盤


  • <p>Fearing discovery by others of his extraordinary find, Earl Dorr set off an explosion in 1927 that sealed a cave entrance in Kokoweef Peak in the Ivanpah Mountain Range. He had followed a treasure map given to him by two Indians and rediscovered within the mountain a river with black sand rich with fine gold, allegedly the richest gold deposit in the US. Dorr died without revealing the location of this entrance, giving birth to the legend of the Underground River of Gold. This book takes an in-depth look at the life of Earl Dorr and his search for this river. To this day, the legend continues to draw fortune hunters to discover new tunnels and caverns in Kokoweef in hopes of finding one that will lead to the gold.</p> <p>Author Glenn Terris begins this historical novel with a true adventure about driving with friends to the ghost town of Schwab in Death Valley in Southern California in 1973. A flash flood diverts them to Kokoweef Peak instead, where he had heard there is a ...
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