jonathan haidt

La v rit sur le bonheur D j des milliers de lecteurs convaincus 【電子書籍】 Jonathan HaidtThe Righteous Mind Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion【電子書籍】 Jonathan HaidtLa transformaci n de la mente moderna C mo las buenas intenciones y las malas ideas est n condenando a una generaci n al fracaso【電子書籍】 Jonathan Haidt y Greg LukianoffThe Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom HAPPINESS HYPOTHESIS Jonathan Haidt好人總是自以為是 政治與宗教如何將我們四分五裂The Righteous Mind: why good people are divided by politics and religion【電子書籍】 強納森.海徳特(Jonathan Haidt)Why Do They Vote That Way from The Righteous Mind【電子書籍】 Jonathan HaidtThe Anxious Generation How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness By Jonathan Haidt【電子書籍】 Verd PublisherSummary Of The Anxious Generation How The Great Rewiring Of Childhood Is Causing An Epidemic Of Mental Illness By Jonathan Haidt【電子書籍】 J. J. MichaelsLes 10 lois du bonheur D veloppement personnel【電子書籍】 Jonathan HaidtThe Anxious Generation How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness【電子書籍】 Jonathan HaidtTAKEAWAYS OF THE ANXIOUS GENERATION : A Warning About The Toll Of Phone-based Childhoods: Jonathan Haidt【電子書籍】 Gerald. J. MatthewGeneratie angststoornis Wat sociale media met onze kinderen doen【電子書籍】 Jonathan Haidt象與騎象人 全球百大思想家的正向心理學經典(The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom)【電子書籍】 強納森.海徳 ( Jonathan Haidt )La mente de los justos Por qu la pol tica y la religi n dividen a la gente sensata【電子書籍】 Jonathan HaidtThe Happiness Hypothesis Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom【電子書籍】 Jonathan HaidtLa generaci n ansiosa Por qu las redes sociales est n causando una epidemia de enfermedades mentales entre nuestros j venes【電子書籍】 Jonathan Haidt好人總是自以為是(長銷經典紀念版) 政治與宗教如何將我們四分五裂 The Righteous Mind : Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion【電子書籍】 強納森.海徳特(Jonathan Haidt)The Jonathan Haidt Handbook - Everything You Need To Know About Jonathan Haidt【電子書籍】 Doris OwensGuide to Jonathan Haidt 039 s The Righteous Mind by Instaread【電子書籍】 InstareadSUMMARY of The Anxious Generation (Jonathan Haidt) How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness【電子書籍】 Delbert Bosworth


  • <p>Le bonheur est-il ? port?e de main ? Quel est le secret pour y acc?der ? La recette du bonheur est-elle la m?me pour tout le monde ? Peut-on se fier aux lois universelles et aux conseils des anciens pour le trouver ?</p> <p>Depuis la nuit des temps, la qu?te du bonheur a passionn? un grand nombre de penseurs et de philosophes. D’innombrables conseils et recettes pour l'atteindre ont ?t? prodigu?s, qui circulent toujours aujourd’hui dans la sagesse populaire. Mais que peut-on r?ellement en retirer ?</p> <p>Fascin? depuis toujours par cette question, Jonathan Haidt a identifi? plusieurs id?es et r?flexions universelles sur le bonheur. Les passant au crible des connaissances scientifiques d’aujourd’hui, il en tire des le?ons qui s’appliquent ? la vie de tous les jours. Dans un m?lange d’humour et de p?dagogie, d’anecdotes anodines et d’?tudes psychologiques, l’auteur nous conduit dans une exploration du bonheur, entre pass? et pr?sent. Sans nous guider pas ? pas vers un bo...


  • <p><strong><em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER ? The #1 bestselling author of <em>The Anxious Generation</em> and acclaimed social psychologist challenges conventional thinking about morality, politics, and religion in a way that speaks to conservatives and liberals alikeーa “landmark contribution to humanity’s understanding of itself” (<em>The New York Times Book Review</em>).</strong></p> <p>Drawing on his twenty-five years of groundbreaking research on moral psychology, Jonathan Haidt shows how moral judgments arise not from reason but from gut feelings. He shows why liberals, conservatives, and libertarians have such different intuitions about right and wrong, and he shows why each side is actually right about many of its central concerns.</p> <p>In this subtle yet accessible book, Haidt gives you the key to understanding the miracle of human cooperation, as well as the curse of our eternal divisions and conflicts. If you’re ready to trade in anger for u...


  • <p>Algo extra?o est? sucediendo en las universidades de todo el mundo. Alumnos que dicen defender ideas progresistas abuchean a pol?ticos y conferenciantes y les impiden hablar. Cada vez en mayor n?mero, muchos estudiantes son reacios a exhibir sus opiniones y a discutirlas con franqueza. De un tiempo a esta parte, lo que deber?a ser el ≪gimnasio de la mente≫ est? lleno de personas que reh?yen el debate y el pensamiento cr?tico.<br /> Tal y como describen en este libro el experto en libertad de expresi?n Greg Lukianoff y el psic?logo Jonathan Haidt, el motivo de tal situaci?n se debe a tres ideas equivocadas que se han introducido en el subconsciente de muchos j?venes, y no tan j?venes, que creen defender una visi?n generosa e inclusiva de la educaci?n. La primera: lo que no te mata te hace m?s d?bil. La segunda: debes confiar siempre en tus sentimientos. Y, por ?ltimo: la vida es una lucha entre las personas buenas y las malas.<br /> Como demuestra este libro osado y erudito,...


  • HAPPINESS HYPOTHESIS Jonathan Haidt BASIC BOOKS2006 Paperback English ISBN:9780465028023 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp


  • <p><strong>道徳之刃<br /> 凝聚人心亦使人目盲</strong><br /> ?個人在談到心中視為神聖的目標時,都是目盲得無法視物。</p> <p><strong>為什麼(自己以外的)?個人都好像是偽君子?</strong><br /> 人類的本質不僅是講道徳,同時也愛?教、愛批評、愛論斷,著迷於正義,最後必然會變得自以為是ーー我是對的,?是錯的ーー造成二元對立的分裂局面。政治與宗教就是兩大角力場,人們相互打鬥,彷彿世界的命運有頼於我們這方贏得?一場戰役。<br /> 社會心理學家強納森.海徳特運用了二十五年來在道徳心理學領域的開創研究,證明道徳判斷並非源於理性,而是源於直覺。我們的心智一分為二,理性的騎象人就是要服侍情緒的大象,騎象人為大象直覺?心或神聖的事物編造出各種論據理由,從而做出道徳判斷。什麼才是合乎正義?以牙還牙、以眼還眼?還是己所不欲、勿施於人?道徳的基本原則如同舌頭有六種味覺受體:關懷、公平、忠誠、權威、聖潔與自由,組合成世上林林總總的道徳母體。道徳母體相近的人走在一起形成團體,我們先天既是自私的黒猩猩,但同時也是「人人為我,我為人人」的蜜蜂,為保蜂??退入侵者,犧牲小我也在所不惜。蜜蜂般的天性促成了利他主義...


  • <p>To understand what drives the rift that divides our populace between liberal and conservative, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt has spent twenty-five years examining the moral foundations that undergird and inform two differing world views: the political left and right place different values of importance on order, care, fairness, loyalty, authority, and liberty.</p> <p>From one of our keenest dissectors of moral systems, <em>Why Do They Vote That Way?</em> explains how deeply ingrained moral systems have estranged conservatives and liberals from one another while crossing the political divide in a search for understanding the miracle of human cooperation.</p> <p>A Vintage Shorts Selection. An ebook short.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>In "Digital Detox: Protecting Our Children in the Age of Screens," Jonathan Haidt delivers a compelling call to action to safeguard the well-being of our youth amidst the rising tide of digital dependency. As the epidemic of mental illness among children and adolescents escalates, exacerbated by excessive screen time and unregulated technology use, Haidt offers a roadmap for parents, educators, policymakers, and technology companies to protect our children and society from the psychological damage inflicted by the digital age.</p> <p>Drawing on extensive research and real-world insights, Haidt explores the profound implications of the phone-based childhood and the urgent need for collective action to promote a healthier digital landscape. From establishing clear guidelines for screen time limits to promoting digital literacy and fostering supportive environments, "Digital Detox" provides actionable strategies for individuals and communities to mitigate the risks associated ...


  • <p>Are you, or someone you care about, feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of navigating today's fast-paced and digitally driven world? In a world where stress and anxiety seem to be constant companions, navigating the challenges of adolescence can feel like an uphill battle. If you've ever wondered what lies behind the rising levels of anxiety and stress among today's youth, then "Anxious Generation" by Jonathan Haidt is a must-read.</p> <p>Embark on a transformative journey as we delve into the captivating summary of "Anxious Generation," where Jonathan Haidt unpacks the complexities of contemporary youth experiences. Through insightful analysis and compelling storytelling, Haidt sheds light on the hidden factors contributing to the mental health crisis facing young people today.</p> <p>From the fading of traditional childhood experiences to the omnipresence of digital devices, "Anxious Generation" explores the multifaceted challenges that shape the lives of today's you...


  • <p><strong>Le guide id?al pour approcher le bonheur de plus pr?s !</strong></p> <p>Le bonheur est-il ? port?e de main ? Quelles sont les cl?s qui permettraient de l’approcher ? Cet ouvrage ne vous guidera pas vers un bonheur parfait ou idyllique, mais vous permettra de construire un bonheur ? votre image, qui vous correspond r?ellement.<br /> Se basant sur dix id?es universelles, d?couvertes ? diff?rents moments et diff?rents endroits par les civilisations qui peuplent notre Terre, et les plus r?centes avanc?es scientifiques en psychologie, Jonathan Aidt invite ? tirer dix le?ons ? appliquer dans notre vie de tous les jours. Illustr? par des anecdotes de la vie quotidienne, ce livre nous invite ? comprendre comment nous fonctionnons avec les autres, mais aussi avec nous-m?me. Il nous guide habilement dans ce voyage entre pass? et pr?sent tout en commentant avec humour et p?dagogie les m?andres des th?ories psychologiques. Une exploration dont on conclura que la meilleure...


  • <p>**THE INSTANT #1 <em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER * <em>New York Times Book Review</em> Editors' Choice</p> <p>From <em>New York Times</em> bestselling coauthor of The Coddling of the American Mind, an essential investigation into the collapse of youth mental healthーand a plan for a healthier, freer childhood.</p> <p>“Erudite, engaging, combative, crusading.” ー<em>New York Times Book Review</em></p> <p>“Words that chill the parental heart… thanks to Mr. Haidt, we can glimpse the true horror of what happened not only in the U.S. but also elsewhere in the English-speaking world… lucid, memorable… galvanizing.” ー<em>Wall Street Journal</em></p> <p>"[An] important new book...The shift in kids’ energy and attention from the physical world to the virtual one, Haidt shows, has been catastrophic, especially for girls." ーMichelle Goldberg,** <em><strong>The New York Times</strong></em></p> <p>After more than a decade of stability or ...


  • <p>At the start of the 2010s, rates of teenage mental illness took a sharp upward turn, and they have been rising ever since. Among US college students, diagnoses of depression and anxiety more than doubled between 2010 and 2018. More worrying still, in the decade to 2020 the number of emergency room visits for self-harm rose by 188% among teenage girls in the US and 48% among boys. The suicide rate for younger adolescents also increased, by 167% among girls and 91% among boys. A similar trend has been observed in the UK and many other western countries. The American social psychologist Jonathan Haidt believes this mental health crisis has been driven by the mass adoption of smartphones, along with the advent of social media and addictive online gaming. He calls it “the Great Rewiring of Childhood”.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Waarom overbeschermen we onze wereld in echte wereld, maar laten we ze in de digitale wereld vogelvrij?</p> <p>Sinds 2010 is het aantal mentale ziektes bij kinderen en jongeren exponentieel gestegen. Gerenommeerd psycholoog Jonathan Haidt verbindt deze ontwikkeling met de opkomst van sociale media zoals Facebook, Instagram en TikTok.</p> <p>In<em>Generatie angststoornis</em>ontwaart hij een vreemde paradox: waar we onze kinderen in de fysieke wereld steeds meer overbeschermen, laten we hen in de digitale wereld vogelvrij ? met desastreuze gevolgen voor hun mentale welzijn. Naast een onderbouwde analyse biedt Haidt zes praktische oplossingen die we zowel individueel als collectief kunnen uitvoeren om ervoor te zorgen dat onze kinderen mentaal gezond opgroeien.</p> <p>'Jonathan Haidt is een moderne profeet, vermomd als psycholoog. In dit boek waarschuwt hij ons voor de gevaren van een jeugd die gedomineerd wordt door telefoongebruik.' ? Susan Cain</p> <p>'Iede...


  • <p><strong>★正向心理學經典之作</strong><br /> <strong>★「心流之父」契克森米哈伊、「正向心理學之父」塞利格曼等高度評價,國際媒體齊聲推薦!</strong></p> <p><strong>?動?我?在如大象般強大的力量</strong><br /> 我們的「心」,是頭放任的大象;<br /> 我們的「智」,是具備掌控能力的騎象人,<br /> 心與智往往意見相左,各行其是……</p> <p>如何破除人象的對峙、拉??<br /> 如何引領大象找到人生幸福的方向?<br /> 學會馭象,就能獲得<br /> 愛、工作、審美、管理、人際關係、靈性覺醒上的諸多能力!</p> <p>強納森.海徳把人類思考了兩千多年的問題,歸結為十個假設,放在科學的天平上,探討到底?些是真理,?些是謬誤。他融合了心理學、哲學、倫理學、宗教以及人類學等學科知識,並且大量引用了古今中外的哲學、文學與宗教中有關人心的看法,再用神經科學與社會心理學的研究成果來驗證關於古老的關於幸福的假設。</p> <p>他認為,人的心理可分為兩半,一半像桀?不馴的大象,?一半則是理性的騎象人,面對改變時,理智與情感的拉?就像是「象與騎象人」。這種人象的對峙,不僅會影響我們的決策,也會削弱我們的幸福感。...


  • <p>En unos tiempos como los actuales, de enorme polarizaci?n pol?tica, resulta inevitable hacernos una pregunta: ?por qu? no podemos llevarnos bien? Seamos de derechas o de izquierdas, demasiadas veces tenemos la sensaci?n de que nuestro adversario, adem?s de oponerse a nosotros, no entiende en absoluto nuestras posturas y ni siquiera lo intenta. Eso hace que las divisiones sociales se est?n consolidando, el debate p?blico se convierta en un griter?o y que en su mayor?a los ciudadanos crean que s?lo ellos est?n en lo cierto.<br /> Muchas personas, guiadas por razones morales que en realidad no son fruto de la raz?n, sino de un tribalismo parcialmente innato, son incapaces de entender que tanto los progresistas como los conservadores o los liberales, los creyentes y los ateos, tienen parte de raz?n; el conicto moral les impide verlo.<br /> Recurriendo a las investigaciones m?s recientes en campos como la neurociencia, la gen?tica, la psicolog?a social o los procesos evolutivos,...


  • <p><strong>"The most brilliant and lucid analysis of virtue and well-being in the entire literature of positive psychology. For the reader who seeks to understand happiness, my advice is: Begin with Haidt." ーMartin E.P. Seligman, University of Pennsylvania and author of <em>Authentic Happiness</em></strong></p> <p><em>The Happiness Hypothesis</em> is a book about ten Great Ideas. Each chapter is an attempt to savor one idea that has been discovered by several of the world's civilizations**ー<strong>to question it in light of what we now know from scientific research, and to extract from it the lessons that still apply to our modern lives and illuminate the causes of human flourishing. Award-winning psychologist Jonathan Haidt shows how a deeper understanding of the world's philosophical wisdom and its enduring maxims</strong>ー<strong>like "do unto others as you would have others do unto you," or "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"</strong>ー**can e...


  • <p><strong>El libro que desvela las causas del colapso psicol?gico de la Generaci?n Z</strong></p> <p>La salud mental de los ni?os y adolescentes se derrumba. Desde 2010, en los pa?ses desarrollados se ha observado un inquietante y pronunciado aumento en el n?mero de j?venes diagnosticados con ansiedad, depresi?n y otros trastornos psicol?gicos. Pero ?qu? es lo que ha ocurrido?</p> <p>El reputado psic?logo social y autor bestseller Jonathan Haidt ha dedicado su carrera a exponer verdades inc?modas apoyadas en la evidencia cient?fica dentro de los espacios m?s delicados: desde comunidades polarizadas por la pol?tica y la religi?n hasta campus universitarios enfrentados en guerras culturales.</p> <p>En este nuevo libro, Haidt se ocupa de la emergencia de salud p?blica que afecta a los adolescentes. La generaci?n que lleg? a la pubertad alrededor de 2009 desarroll? su autopercepci?n en el marco de cambios tecnol?gicos y culturales profundos, como el uso extendido de l...


  • <p><strong>美國社會心理學大師海徳特</strong></p> <p><strong>改革道徳倫理觀經典著作</strong></p> <p><strong>心智一分為二,如同騎在大象上的騎象人,騎象人的工作就是服侍大象。</strong></p> <p><strong>正義之心如同舌頭,有六種味覺受體。</strong></p> <p><strong>人類是百分之九十的黒猩猩加上百分之十的蜜蜂。</strong></p> <p><strong>道徳凝聚人心,卻也令人目盲。</strong></p> <p><strong>為什麼(自己以外的)?個人都好像是偽君子?</strong></p> <p><strong>人人在談到心中視為神聖的目標時,都盲目得無法視物。</strong></p> <p>◆人類的道徳、正義感從何而來?</p> <p>◆道徳的多樣化為何這麼容易就讓一群好人分裂成幾群互有敵意、又不想相互瞭解的群體?</p> <p>◆自由派和保守派心理特點與道徳觀有何不同?為何右翼政治人物具有先天優勢,能烹調出選民喜愛的菜??</p> <p>◆身處由政治與宗教所引起的兩極化世界,我們可否運用心理學技巧去掉自己眼中的「正義」之刺?</p> <p><strong>【?容簡介】</strong></p> <p>人類的本質不僅是講道徳,同時也愛?教、愛...


  • <p>This book is your ultimate Jonathan Haidt resource. Here you will find the most up-to-date information, facts, quotes and much more.</p> <p>In easy to read chapters, with extensive references and links to get you to know all there is to know about Jonathan Haidt's whole picture right away. Get countless Jonathan Haidt facts right at your fingertips with this essential resource.</p> <p>The Jonathan Haidt Handbook is the single and largest Jonathan Haidt reference book. This compendium of information is the authoritative source for all your entertainment, reference, and learning needs. It will be your go-to source for any Jonathan Haidt questions.</p> <p>A mind-tickling encyclopedia on Jonathan Haidt, a treat in its entirety and an oasis of learning about what you don't yet know...but are glad you found. The Jonathan Haidt Handbook will answer all of your needs, and much more.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願...


  • <p>PLEASE NOTE: This is a companion to Jonathan Haidt's The Righteous Mind and NOT the original book.</p> <p>Preview:</p> <p>Jonathan Haidt’s The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics and Religion is an application of Haidt’s research on moral psychology to the context of American politics. Haidt argues that morality is based on both intuition and reasoning, and that liberals and conservatives base their beliefs on different and often competing moral constructs.</p> <p>Inside this companion:</p> <p>Overview of the book<br /> Important People<br /> Key Insights<br /> Analysis of Key Insights</p> <p>About the Author: With Instaread, you can get the notes and insights from a book in 15 minutes or less.</p> <p>Visit our website at</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>Unraveling the Mystery Behind Teenage Anxiety</strong></p> <p><strong>By the time you are done with this short but insightful read, you would have learned the core points the main book touched, thereby giving you a birds eye view of the entire message.</strong></p> <p>In today's fast-paced world, an alarming trend is gripping our youth: soaring rates of depression, anxiety, and self-harm. Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt delves deep into the heart of this phenomenon in his groundbreaking book, The Anxious Generation, seeking to uncover the root causes behind the distressing rise in teenage mental health issues.</p> <p>The Anxious Generation unveils a hidden shift: the decline of free play and the rise of the "phone-based childhood." Haidt reveals a dozen ways this "great rewiring" disrupts development, from sleep to social connection. He explores why social media hits girls harder and how boys retreat into virtual worlds.</p> <p>But this isn't ...
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