
The Power of Having Fun How Meaningful Breaks Help You Get More Done【電子書籍】 Dave CrenshawIsland Wisdom: Hawaiian Traditions and Practices for a Meaningful Life ISLAND WISDOM Annie Daly理念経営2.0 会社の「理想と戦略」をつなぐ7つのステップ MEANINGFUL COMPANY 本/雑誌 / 佐宗邦威/著Aging with Grace: What the Nun Study Teaches Us about Leading Longer, Healthier, and More Meaningful AGING W/GRACE David SnowdonDesign for a Better World: Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered DESIGN FOR A BETTER WORLD Donald A. NormanMeaningful Prayer: Why, What, and How We Should Pray【電子書籍】 R.C. MadisonTwo Cheers for Anarchism Six Easy Pieces on Autonomy, Dignity, and Meaningful Work and Play【電子書籍】 James C. ScottExcellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life EXCELLENT SHEEP William DeresiewiczMEANINGFUL プリント Tシャツ アーチ ロゴ トップス 半袖 五分袖 クルーネック カットソー カジュアル ゆったり 大きめ 長め丈 オーバーサイズ ドロップショルダー 夏 【R-T R-A】Questioning for Formative Feedback Meaningful Dialogue to Improve Learning【電子書籍】 Jackie Acree WalshWhat Color Is Your Parachute 2022: Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE 2 Richard N. BollesThe Daily Question Conversation Card Set: 100 Meaningful Questions to Start Discussions Around the T DAILY QUES CONVERSATION CARD S Ink . Willow理念経営2.0 会社の「理想と戦略」をつなぐ7つのステップ MEANINGFUL COMPANY/佐宗邦威【3000円以上送料無料】Design for a Better World Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered【電子書籍】 Donald A. Norman理念経営2.0 会社の「理想と戦略」をつなぐ7つのステップ MEANINGFUL COMPANY/佐宗邦威【1000円以上送料無料】人類學家的無政府主義觀察:從生活中的不服從論自主 尊嚴 有意義的工作及遊戲 Two Cheers for Anarchism: Six Easy Pieces on Autonomy, Dignity, and Meaningful Work and Play【電子書籍】Island Wisdom Hawaiian Traditions and Practices for a Meaningful Life【電子書籍】 Annie DalyThe Daily Reader 366 Selections of Great Prose and Poetry to Inspire a Productive and Meaningful Writing Life【電子書籍】 Fred WhiteMeaningful Work A Quest to Do Great Business, Find Your Calling, and Feed Your Soul【電子書籍】 Shawn AskinosieWhat Color Is Your Parachute 2021 Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success【電子書籍】 Richard N. Bolles


  • <p><strong>Fun is the key to success!</strong></p> <p>If you want to be successful, having fun is <em>not</em> an option. It's a necessity. By making fun a top priorityーtaking meaningful, enjoyable breaks each day, week, month, and yearーyou'll not only be happier but be more productive, too!</p> <p>Using scientific evidence, real-world case studies, and a healthy dose of wit, bestselling author Dave Crenshaw shows that a regular respite is like a little oasis in your workday. It refreshes and reinvigorates, recharges your batteriesーhelping you accomplish more with less effort!</p> <p><em>The Power of Having Fun</em> coaches you through the five-step system thousands of leaders have utilized to boost productivity and propel their careersーall while feeling fantastic! Let Dave Crenshawlower your stress, raise your results, and restore recess to your routine.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします...


  • ISLAND WISDOM Annie Daly Kainoa Daines CHRONICLE PRISM2022 Hardcover English ISBN:9781797216935 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel


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  • AGING W/GRACE David Snowdon BANTAM TRADE2002 Paperback English ISBN:9780553380927 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Health & Fitness


  • DESIGN FOR A BETTER WORLD Donald A. Norman MIT PR2023 Hardcover English ISBN:9780262047951 洋書 NonーClassifiable(その他)


  • <p>Prayer was the center of Jesus's life with God. It was woven into the fabric of his day to day existence, into his morning routine, his weekly schedule, and into very essence of his humanity. He made time for it. Even when he was really busy, he would stay up all night because for him prayer was even more important than sleep.</p> <p>Can you say the same? Why not?</p> <p>For most of us, prayer does not feel exciting, but more like a religious guilt trip or duty or obligation that you have to check the box.</p> <p>How do we change that?</p> <p>The Prayer Book will teach you:</p> <ul> <li>How to pray more and more effectively</li> <li>Why you should pray and what you should pray</li> <li>Different styles of prayer</li> <li>How to hear from God</li> <li>Why prayers aren't answered</li> <li>What to do with suffering and pain</li> <li>How to rest and be renewed in Jesus during prayer</li> </ul> <p>If you want to open up a deeper an...


  • <p><strong>A spirited defense of the anarchist approach to life</strong></p> <p>James Scott taught us what's wrong with seeing like a state. Now, in his most accessible and personal book to date, the acclaimed social scientist makes the case for seeing like an anarchist. Inspired by the core anarchist faith in the possibilities of voluntary cooperation without hierarchy, <em>Two Cheers for Anarchism</em> is an engaging, high-spirited, and often very funny defense of an anarchist way of seeingーone that provides a unique and powerful perspective on everything from everyday social and political interactions to mass protests and revolutions. Through a wide-ranging series of memorable anecdotes and examples, the book describes an anarchist sensibility that celebrates the local knowledge, common sense, and creativity of ordinary people. The result is a kind of handbook on constructive anarchism that challenges us to radically reconsider the value of hierarchy in public and ...


  • EXCELLENT SHEEP William Deresiewicz FREE PR2015 Paperback English ISBN:9781476702728 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Education


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  • <p><strong>When used effectively, quality questions and student dialogue result in self-regulated learners and formative feedback that reveals progress toward learning goals.</strong></p> <p>Learning knows no boundaries. The potential for learning exists whenever and wherever we interact with our environment. So how can we infuse school learning with the authenticity and excitement associated with real-life experiences?</p> <p>In <em>Questioning for Formative Feedback,</em> Jackie Acree Walsh explores the relationship between questioning and feedback in K?12 classrooms and how dialogue serves as the bridge connecting the two.</p> <p>Quality questioning, productive dialogue, and authentic use of feedback are a powerful trifecta for addressing the needs of a new generation of learners. In fact, the skillful use of these three processes can fuel and accelerate the academic, social, and emotional learning of all students.</p> <p>In this book, Walsh provides a m...


  • WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE 2 Richard N. Bolles Katharine Brooks TEN SPEED PR2021 Paperback English ISBN:9781984860347 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics


  • DAILY QUES CONVERSATION CARD S Ink &. Willow INK & WILLOW2021 Other English ISBN:9780593231821 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Family & Relationships


  • 著者佐宗邦威(著)出版社ダイヤモンド社発売日2023年05月ISBN9784478114506ページ数325Pキーワードりねんけいえいにてんぜろりねん/けいえい/2.0か リネンケイエイニテンゼロリネン/ケイエイ/2.0カ さそう くにたけ サソウ クニタケ9784478114506内容紹介あなたの会社に「意味」はあるか──。ミッション、ビジョン、バリュー、パーパス……企業理念のつくり方・活かし方。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次序章 21世紀の企業理念—ミッション、ビジョン、バリュー、パーパスとはなにか?/第1章 ビジョン—未来への「動力」をつくる/第2章 バリュー—「こだわり」を可視化し、自分たちの輪郭を描く/第3章 ミッション・パーパス—組織の中心軸となる社会的意思を定める/第4章 ナラティブ—理念を「自分ごと」へと語り直す/第5章 ヒストリー—会社に埋蔵された「原点」を掘り起こす/第6章 カルチャー—理念を体現する文化づくり/第7章 エコシステム—理念を育てる「生態系」をつくる/終章 意義をつくる会社へ/おわりに—私たちはなぜ群れるのか


  • <p><strong>How human behavior brought our world to the brink, and how human behavior can save us.</strong></p> <p>The world is a mess. Our dire predicament, from collapsing social structures to the climate crisis, has been millennia in the making and can be traced back to the erroneous belief that the earth’s resources are infinite. The key to change, says Don Norman, is human behavior, covered in the book’s three major themes: meaning, sustainability, and humanity-centeredness. Emphasize quality of life, not monetary rewards; restructure how we live to better protect the environment; and focus on all of humanity. <em>Design for a Better World</em> presents an eye-opening diagnosis of where we’ve gone wrong and a clear prescription for making things better.</p> <p>Norman proposes a new way of thinking, one that recognizes our place in a complex global system where even simple behaviors affect the entire world. He identifies the economic metrics that contribute to t...


  • 著者佐宗邦威(著)出版社ダイヤモンド社発売日2023年05月ISBN9784478114506ページ数325Pキーワードりねんけいえいにてんぜろりねん/けいえい/2.0か リネンケイエイニテンゼロリネン/ケイエイ/2.0カ さそう くにたけ サソウ クニタケ9784478114506内容紹介あなたの会社に「意味」はあるか──。ミッション、ビジョン、バリュー、パーパス……企業理念のつくり方・活かし方。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次序章 21世紀の企業理念—ミッション、ビジョン、バリュー、パーパスとはなにか?/第1章 ビジョン—未来への「動力」をつくる/第2章 バリュー—「こだわり」を可視化し、自分たちの輪郭を描く/第3章 ミッション・パーパス—組織の中心軸となる社会的意思を定める/第4章 ナラティブ—理念を「自分ごと」へと語り直す/第5章 ヒストリー—会社に埋蔵された「原点」を掘り起こす/第6章 カルチャー—理念を体現する文化づくり/第7章 エコシステム—理念を育てる「生態系」をつくる/終章 意義をつくる会社へ/おわりに—私たちはなぜ群れるのか


  • <p>人類學大師セン姆斯?斯科特(James C. Scott)</p> <p>最平易近人的幽默作品!</p> <p>我提出的是「實踐中的無政府主義。」</p> <p>我的無政府主義觀點,包括捍衛政治、衝突與辯論的價?,</p> <p>以及隨之?生、永遠存在的不確定與不斷學習。</p> <p>/┌ 為何讀┐/</p> <p>--------------------------------------------------</p> <p>當國家緊扼人民的命脈、財團資本控制世界,在這充滿不確定性的艱困世道中,</p> <p>人類學大師斯科特以29篇幽默的靈光片段,捍衛地方性知識、常識、個體創造力與自發性的無政府主義思維,</p> <p>帶領我們審視世間百態,用不同眼光看?史、尋找政治生活的?類出路!</p> <p>/┌?聲推薦┐/</p> <p>--------------------------------------------------</p> <p>呂欣怡 國立臺灣大學人類學系副教授</p> <p>何明修 國立臺灣大學社會學系教授</p> <p>宋世祥 【百工裡的人類學家】創?人、國立中山大學人科學程助理教授</p> <p>李宜澤 國立東華大學族群關係與文化學系助理教授</p> <p>林開世 國立臺灣大學人類系學系副教授</p> <p>洪申豪 獨立創作者</p> <p>洪伯邑 國立...


  • <p><strong>ALOHA (love) ? '?INA (land) ? MO'OLELO (stories) ? 'OHANA (family)</strong><br /> <strong>DISCOVER FOUR FOUNDATIONS OF HAWAIIAN LIVING</strong><br /> <strong>FOR A PEACEFUL AND BALANCED LIFE.</strong></p> <p>More than just a beautiful paradise, Hawai'i has a rich culture, deeply rooted in tradition. Native Hawaiian and cultural expert Kainoa Daines has spent many years teaching visitors to the islands about this time-honored wisdom, and now he has teamed up with journalist Annie Daly to share that knowledge with you. <em>Island Wisdom</em> is an inspirational and rewarding journey through traditional Hawaiian teachings that have stood the test of time, from how to be pono (live a balanced life) to how to m?lama '?ina (preserve and protect the land). Filled with the voices and guidance of Hawaiian elders, regional folklore, and ancient teachingsーplus gorgeous local photography and illustrations throughoutー<em>Island Wisdom</em> is a celebrat...


  • <p><strong>Let Great Reading Fuel Your Writing</strong></p> <p>Great writers read voraciously and across many topics and genres. They read to learn, to research, to study the style of others, and to improve their own work. They read because they love the written word. But becoming well read takes time, dedication, and patience. The thought can be daunting especially when you're eager to get to your own writing.</p> <p>Fred White, author of <em>The Daily Writer</em>, helps you sort through the plethora of reading material available by providing you with 366 engaging excerpts from ancient poetry to modern science, on topics from allegory to food to writer's block. Each thoughtfully chosen excerpt is followed by a brief reflection and a prompt that allows you to integrate elements from each piece into your own writing.</p> <p><em>The Daily Reader</em> makes broad reading accessible, invigorates your thirst for the written word, and equips you to put the power ...


  • <p><strong>The founder and CEO of Askinosie Chocolate, an award-winning craft chocolate factory, shows readers how he discovered the secret to purposeful work and business ー and how we can too, no matter what work we do.</strong></p> <p>Askinosie Chocolate is a small-batch, award winning chocolate company widely considered to be a vanguard in the industry. Known for sourcing 100% of his cocoa beans directly from farmers across the globe, Shawn Askinosie has pioneered direct trade and profit sharing in the craft chocolate industry with farmers in Tanzania, Ecuador, and the Philippines. In addition to developing relationships with smallholder farmers, the company also partners with schools in their origin communities to provide lunch to 1,600 children every day with no outside donations. Twenty-five years ago, Shawn Askinosie was a successful criminal defense lawyer trying his first murder death penalty case that would later go on to become a Dateline special. For many year...


  • <p><strong>With timeless advice, up-to-the-minute insights, and more than ten million copies sold over fifty years, the world’s most popular and best-selling career guide is fully revised and expanded for 2021.</strong></p> <p>In today’s challenging job-market, as recent grads face a shifting economic landscape and seek work that pays and inspires, as workers are laid off mid-career, and as people search for an inspiring work-life change, the time-tested advice of <em>What Color Is Your Parachute?</em> is needed more than ever. This completely updated edition features the latest resources, strategies, and perspectives on today’s job market, revealing surprising advice on what worksーand what doesn’tーso you can focus your efforts on tactics that yield results.</p> <p>This practical manual has been fully revised for 2021 by Vanderbilt University Career Center Director Katharine Brooks, EdD, with modern advice on the job hunt strategies that are working today, such a...
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