
【Crescent Luna(クレセントルナ)】PERSONA RING(リング 指輪 Silver925 ハート アクセサリー ギフト プレゼント)\マラソン1000円OFFクーポン配布中/【Trienawear トゥリーナウェア】TR200-751 Sonarina フローラルシフォンラップスカート 【バレエスカート】 【バレエアラベスク】【輸入盤CD】Vivaldi/Brunello/Doni / Sonar In Ottava 【K2020/3/27発売】Vivaldi / Brunello / Doni - Sonar in Ottava CD アルバム 【輸入盤】Promises on a Ring of Stone【電子書籍】 J. R. Campbell


  • 【商品概要】 カラー:シルバー 素材:Silver925(ロジウムコーティング) カラー:ゴールド 素材:Silver925(ゴールドコーティング) 付属品:専用パッケージ・巾着・ギャランティカード ※付属品は、予告なく変更する場合がございますので、予めご了承ください。


  • 【メーカー】トゥリーナウェア Trienawear【素材】ポリエステルフローラルシフォンラップスカート。 存在感あるシックな柄です。 リボンはサテン。 丈は2種類 ◆TR200SFLは丈35cm  スカートのウェスト部分の長さ PSサイズ/約78cm  MLサイズ/約95cm ◆TR200FLは前35cm後50cm スカートのウェスト部分の長さ PSサイズ/約82cm  MLサイズ/約107cm トゥリーナウェアのレオタードと合わせると色もピッタリです。 在庫限りです。


  • 発売日: 2020/3/27輸入盤USレーベル: Arcana Records収録曲:コメント:Violinist Giuliano Carmignola and cellist Mario Brunello: one of the greatest interpreters of Vivaldi and Bach, whose recent recording of the Sonatas and Partitas was described by the authoritative magazine Gramophone as 'a definite first choice among period instrument recordings of these works'; and his long-time friend Mario Brunello, acclaimed for his personal reinterpretation of that same famous collection on the violoncello piccolo (A469). Accompanied by the Milanese ensemble Accademia dell'Annunciata, they offer a highly original, experimental programme. Inspired by the three existing double concertos for violin and cello by Vivaldi - an unusual coupling in eighteenth century concerto literature - they revisit double concertos by Vivaldi and Bach (the famous BWV 1043 for two violins and BWV 1060 for violin and oboe), transposing the second solo part an octave lower on the violoncello piccolo. Underpinned by persu...


  • ◆タイトル: Sonar in Ottava◆アーティスト: Vivaldi / Brunello / Doni◆現地発売日: 2020/03/27◆レーベル: Arcana RecordsVivaldi / Brunello / Doni - Sonar in Ottava CD アルバム 【輸入盤】※商品画像はイメージです。デザインの変更等により、実物とは差異がある場合があります。 ※注文後30分間は注文履歴からキャンセルが可能です。当店で注文を確認した後は原則キャンセル不可となります。予めご了承ください。[楽曲リスト]Violinist Giuliano Carmignola and cellist Mario Brunello: one of the greatest interpreters of Vivaldi and Bach, whose recent recording of the Sonatas and Partitas was described by the authoritative magazine Gramophone as 'a definite first choice among period instrument recordings of these works'; and his long-time friend Mario Brunello, acclaimed for his personal reinterpretation of that same famous collection on the violoncello piccolo (A469). Accompanied by the Milanese ensemble Accademia dell'Annunciata, they offer a highly original, experimental programme. Inspired by the three existing ...


  • <p>David Llewellyn, a white American writer, becomes infatuated with a young black woman while vacationing on a small Caribbean island. But love is not all he finds in paradise. Llewellyn becomes absorbed in the dark legend of a Victorian heiress reputed to have ritually killed young children in her search for eternal youth. He becomes enmeshed in a collision of black and white, rich and poor-all struggling for control of an old plantation that is the key to their aspirations.</p> <p>Llewellyn's ambitions and desires soon become blinders. Even as strange events and ghostly warnings abound, he is unable to see a plot unfurling to recreate an ancient blood ceremony in which his own life will be the crucial sacrifice.</p> <p><em>Promises on a Ring of Stone</em> lifts the mask of polite smiles and friendly faces on a Caribbean island paradise, exposing deep-seated rifts in the society of an emerging nation in the 1970s. It is also a story of the struggle and mistrust betwe...
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