clothes tile

マスキングテープ Clothes-Pin クローズピン 組色 Kumiiro 透明マスキングテープ 銀箔 タイル MT16100 20mm×3mMend Patch: A handbook to repairing clothes and textiles【電子書籍】 Kerstin Neum ller


  • 簡単に手でカットできる透明マスキングテープシリーズ組色 kumiiro 貼ってはがせる素材で使い勝手が良く、水に強く耐久性にも優れています。 PET素材で透明感があり、発色が良いので手帳やノートなどのデコレーションにぴったり! サイズ:幅20mm×3m 素材:PET(銀箔加工) 粘着剤:アクリル系 【注意事項】 再剥離性が特長のテープですので、強力に接着したい、 しっかり封緘したい、といった用途には向きません。 あらかじめ、ご了承ください。


  • <p><strong>With this guide to mending and patching, you don’t have to say goodbye to your worn favourite clothes.</strong></p> <p>Throwing away damaged, yet beloved, clothes can be one of the saddest things, but what if you were able to fix those holes and extend their life? With <em>Mend & Patch</em>, you can learn to take care of your clothes, mending, patching and repairing so you can cherish all your garments.</p> <p>In the furthest corner of her clothes store in Stockholm, Sweden, Kerstin has a mending studio where she gives a new lease of life to people’s favourite jeans. In this book, she arms you with the skills and ideas you need to mend your own clothes, whatever their wear and tear.</p> <p>There are emergency tips for mending in a hurry, including sewing in a button and repairing split seams. You will learn how to enhance your clothes with decorative stitches and how to mend with different materials, including leather, cotton, wool and denim. Packed ...
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