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  • メーカー希望小売価格はメーカーカタログに基づいて掲載していますBRAND Stance / スタンス 2010年にカリフォルニア、サンクレメンテにてSTANCEは立ち上げられました。 新しい表現方法を作り出すというシンプルなコンセプトから始まり、ソックスをカルチャーやアートを表現するキャンバスとして、新しいスタイルとカテゴリーを生み出しました。 Punks&Poets と呼ぶチームライダー達は、創造的と呼ぶにふさわしいオリジナリティを表現する個性的な集団であり、彼らのクリエイティブな血はSTANCEのプロダクトにも注がれています。 「3 OF A KIND」、「MIX MATCH」、「GRIPPER CUSH」、「ARTIST SERIES」など、ライダー達がクリエイトするスタイルはSTANCEの代表的なモデルとなっています。 STANCEは、Punks&Poets 達と、今迄のしきたりを変えるべく生まれた新しいソックスブランドです。 ”個々のオリジナリティを取り入れ、自己主張する表現者達を繋ぎ合わせる” それこそがSTANCEなのです。 ITEM 靴下 INFO 1896年創業のアメリカを代表するお菓子メーカーTOOTSIE ROLL(トッツィロール)とのコラボレーションモデル。100年以上前からアメリカで親しまれているチョコレート味ソ...


  • <p>"On the edge of his awareness something shifted, he felt his stomach clench in anticipation all his senses sharpened and then an almost indiscernible pop. If he had been able he would have jumped for joy but joy was not an emotion he knew. Instead he smiled a self satisfied smile of one who knows it was only a matter of time before he got what he wanted. She was here"</p> <p>It's happened again, but this time Sarah finds herself transported back in time some five thousand years into the past. It is an alien world of megaliths where the goddess is worshiped and women hold the balance of the power. It is here she discovers the beginnings of the mysterious sisterhood - the Daughters of the Moon - but all is not well in this Neolithic world. The Brotherhood is stirring up chaos and only the absolute annihilation of the Daughters of the Moon will satisfy their dark master.</p> <p>To right the balance Sarah must learn to accept who she is and come face to face with an old ene...


  • <p>Fear stalks the cobbled streets of Aquae Sulis.<br /> It is the third century AD and Aquae Sulis epitomises a Roman town on the edge of an Empire. But it is no ordinary town. At its heart lies the sacred spring venerated long before the Romans arrived. Here the native goddess, Sulis and the Roman goddess, Minerva have melded to become one. Worshipped by all, the goddess, the sacred spring and the Great Baths bring peace and prosperity to the town.<br /> That is, until a Brother of the Dark arrives and spies an opportunity to create chaos currying favour with his dark Master. Now fear, suspicion and death haunt the shadows. The goddess is under attack.<br /> Meanwhile in the twenty-first century, Sarah Tremayne is enjoying a weekend away at the seaside town of Weston-Super-Mare with her Nan and Brad the Dog when 'IT' happens again. To return home Sarah must travel to the besieged town of Aquae Sulis, face the evil lurking in the darkness, defeat the Brotherhood (again) and...


  • <p>Never has time been so murky.<br /> A dark shadow extends its inky tendrils, seeking the Mhyres-an-Loor with only one thought ? to destroy them once and for all. No longer would their interference be tolerated; no longer would her interference be tolerated. Only obliteration would suffice.<br /> But (and there is always a 'but'), the Great Mother, the goddess, has one final throw of the dice. Belator, son of Catonius, a young Romano-British warrior finds himself on an island out of time, in more ways than one ? and it is on the island he is confronted with his destiny.<br /> When Sarah discovers that Bel is no longer safe at home her only thought is to go to him. So, with the help of her nan and the strange old ladies, she finds herself in sixth century AD Cornwall at the ancient seat of power of Durocornovium and no closer to Bel. But it is here she comes face to face with the Arthur and Merlin of legend, foils a plot by the Brotherhood and asks who are the Faoladh? As t...


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  • プロクソン(PROXXON) ハイス用砥石(WA) ドリルシャープナー交換用砥石
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