
Sentencing New Trajectories in Law【電子書籍】 Elaine A. O. FreerBolg, PI: Wolfy Ladies【電子書籍】 Dave Freerre’freer / リフリーラ reg 中性脂肪 オメガ脂肪酸 DHA EPAConquering Incontinence A new and physical approach to a freer lifestyle【電子書籍】 Peter Dornanワコーパレット/WAKO-PALLET エアーキャスターねじ込みタイプ(自在S付)125mm ナイロン(B入)車 AHT125NBDS(4323653) JAN:4582281061926 Aircaster screw type with freer nylon enter carPanama Girl【電子書籍】 Ida Freer【送料無料】メンズアクセサリ— イングランドカフスボタンボックスコートfreer england family crest surname coat of arms gold cufflinks engraved boxEat. Nourish. Glow Autumn【電子書籍】 Amelia FreerReal Delicious 100 wholefood recipes for health and wellness【電子書籍】 Chrissy FreerGlow Gut essen, gl cklich leben - J nger, schlanker und ges nder - in 10 einfachen Schritten【電子書籍】 Amelia FreerOur Path to Freedom: How We Can Live a Freer and More Peaceful Life【電子書籍】 Michael LanfieldCry of the Jaguar Panama Girl【電子書籍】 Ida Freer洋書 Hirmer Publishers Hardcover, Dragon 039 s Roar: Chinese Literati Musical Instruments in the Freer and Sackler CollectionsCook. Nourish. Glow. 120 recipes to help you lose weight, look younger, and feel healthier【電子書籍】 Amelia FreerEssential Social Enterprise【電子書籍】 Freer SpreckleyThe Washington Manual of Bedside Procedures【電子書籍】 James FreerPyramid Scheme【電子書籍】 Dave FreerHow to Get Dressed A Costume Designer 039 s Secrets for Making Your Clothes Look, Fit, and Feel Amazing【電子書籍】 Alison FreerCompassion Revolution Start now. Use what you have. Keep going【電子書籍】 Mary FreerThe Life of Jeanne D 039 Albret Queen of Navarre【電子書籍】 Martha Walker Freer


  • <p>This book examines the process and purpose of sentencing in the criminal justice system, beyond the confines of its legalistic aspects.</p> <p>Sentencing is the process that concludes any criminal trial that ends with the defendant being convicted, and any hearing in which a defendant pleads guilty. Those convicted of crime have been subject to sentencing as the method of imposing a punishment for their offences since the earliest existence of anything we would recognise as a criminal justice system. Yet the rationale behind sentencing, and the process by which it happens, has long been viewed through a traditional lens. In contrast, this book considers not just the process by which a Judge arrives at a numerical sentence of months in custody or the amount of a fine, but the wider meanings and effects of sentencing, as seen through the lens of various ideas of social justice.</p> <p>The book will appeal to students, academics, and legal practitioners who wish to conside...


  • <p>A humorous, satirical noir detective urban fantasy, set in a small city in flyover country, which has an unusually high population of Trolls, werewolves, fairies and a dwarf.</p> <p>Private Investigator Bolg, a Pictish gentleman who happens to be vertically challenging, a self-proclaimed dwarf and tattooed so heavily he appears blue, finds himself called on undertake paranormal cases: in this case finding the missing mage who supplies the potion that helps werewolves retain their human shape at full moon, for a lady-wolf who finds the change interferes with her love life.</p> <p>The ancient Celtic wizard he's trying to trace is a friend, and shape shifter, and there far more going on than just a search for a missing person.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>Urinary incontinence has been described as the most widespread yet least known and understood affliction in society today. This problem can seriously impact on your lifestyle, professional career, emotional wellbeing, exercise activity and your sex life. In <em>Conquering Incontinence</em> Peter Dornan gets behind the stigma and misunderstandings to help you to overcome or further improve your problem.</p> <p>There are a range of different treatment options currently available. Standard pelvic floor exercises are usually prescribed but Peter Dornan has added to that and developed, through first-hand experience and research, an innovative and physical program that helped him conquer his own urinary incontinence. <em>Conquering Incontinence</em> describes a new and physical technique that promotes increased circulation, enhances neuromuscular reflex activity of the urinary system and improves muscular control of the abdominal and pelvic regions to help you actively co...


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  • <p>In the exotic jungles of Panama, a sensitive and courageous twelve-year-old girl named Surni is on the verge of a new life. She is a member of the Embera tribe, an indigenous community that has thrived for centuries by knowing how to live in harmony with the land. But now, as the modern world encroaches, she and her family must face the challenges presented by strangers with unfamiliar habits, technology, and beliefs. Her village now has increasing contact with the outside world, and this must somehow be accepted and integrated into their lives. Together, her family will learn what is best for them. Will the influences of the modern world make their lives better or pull them away from the traditional way of life theyve embraced for countless generations? The ability to adapt is what has kept the community strong for centuries, and now they must determine whichif anyof these new discoveries are right for them. Surnis story is one of friendship, family relationships, danger, fear...


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  • <p>The third of four seasonal e-shorts from London-based nutritional therapist Amelia Freer. Forget fad diets, now is the time to make a lasting change and develop a healthy, clean and sustainable relationship with food.</p> <p>Being healthy is a way of life, but it doesn’t have to be about denying yourself. Amelia Freer loves food and encourages a positive and realistic approach to healthy eating, believing that small lifestyle choices are the key to addressing the issues that often arise at Autumn such as weight gain and energy dips.</p> <p>In this book she offers simple changes to your diet and lifestyle to help you look and feel amazing, even as the days become shorter and colder and you start craving comfort food.</p> <p>Targeting seasonal problems and using seasonal ingredients, Amelia is on a mission ? to wean us all off eating ready-made, additive-crammed foods and help us rediscover the joys of cooking and eating fresh, healthy ingredients.</p> <p>Autumn i...


  • <p>Whatever happened to eating real food? In a world of fasts and fads, whirlwind diets and mealtime anxiety, isn't it time we took back the joy of eating real, whole food and enjoyed the good health, energy and glowing vitality that can go with that? We only need to look at the increasing incidence of diabetes, food intolerances, allergies and digestive irritations and disorders to see that whatever it is we're doing to our food, it's not agreeing with us.</p> <p>In <em>Real Delicious</em>, Chrissy Freer will show you how quick, easy, satisfying and invigorating it is to cook and eat real food. These are simply delicious recipes to share with family and friends for your whole life.</p> <p>Eat real, eat well and love it!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>Die 10 Geheimnisse f?r ein gesundes und gl?ckliches Leben</strong></p> <p>Stars wie Sam Smith oder Boy George schw?ren auf sie. Nun verr?t die Ern?hrungstherapeutin Amelia Freer ihre wirkungsvolle Foodphilosophie und l?ftet das Geheimnis, wie man von innen heraus strahlt. Mithilfe von zehn einfachen Schritten kann jeder Ern?hrung, Gesundheit und Leben positiv ver?ndern, sodass ?berfl?ssige Pfunde, k?rperliche Beschwerden und Antriebslosigkeit der Vergangenheit angeh?ren. Ihre raffinierten Rezepte zeigen, wie man sich gesund und voller Genuss ern?hrt. Gut essen war noch nie so einfach, und der Lohn daf?r noch nie so gro?!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>In this defining self-help and informational guide, Michael Lanfield explains how corrupt our lives and culture are, and sets the facts straight, politically correct or not. This is a must-have book for those who are struggling in various areas of their lives through poor health and dietary choices, stress, anger, fear, depression, anxiety, money management and financial troubles, personal and romantic relationship issues, so we can truly become better and happier people. For decades, we've been told that we must follow a set of simple guiding principles or wait until we get to heaven to lead us to a fulfilled and happy life. "Why can't we just be happy now? Let's be honest with ourselves, nearly all humans are basically living the same life as everyone else, and we expect different results, that will hopefully improve our lives for the better? This is nonsense!" Michael Lanfield says. In his wildly popular, but yet, controversial YouTube channel, Lanfield doesn't hold anything...


  • <p>Surni has a fulfilling life with her family and indigenous community nestled deep in the jungles of Panama, yet her dreams go far beyond her village. Now twelve, she attends Secondary school in Panama City but faces difficulties coping with bullies who taunt her for her differences. In a desperate venture she discovers that there are many who care about her and will help her achieve her dreams.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p><strong>Make a change in 2022 with <em>Cook. Nourish. Glow.</em>, filled with over 120 recipes to help you lose weight, feel healthier, and eat better</strong></p> <p><strong>'One of Britain's top Super Nutritionists'</strong> Daily Mail<br /> <strong>________</strong></p> <p>Following the phenomenal success of her bestselling first book, <em>Eat. Nourish. Glow</em>, Amelia Freer returns with her much-awaited cookbook <em>Cook. Nourish. Glow</em>.</p> <p>With <strong>over 100 delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes</strong>, Amelia equips you with the skills and knowledge to improve your health while empowering you to cook with confidence. A professional nutritional therapist, she promotes a gluten, refined sugar and dairy-free lifestyle instead of endless fad diets.</p> <p><em>Cook. Nourish. Glow</em>. covers cooking in the simplest terms, featuring step-by-step visuals designed for the novice chef; how to use and prepare staple ...


  • <p>Social Enterprise is a worldwide movement of alternative organisational and business models, but it is sometimes difficult to know precisely the meaning of the term. In Essential Social Enterprise, Freer Spreckley traces the origin and development of social enterprise and shows how, over time, both the term and values have been altered and sometimes misinterpreted. The book praises the growth of supplementary and essential initiatives that widen the support for social enterprise influencing traditional business infrastructure mechanisms. The best known is the triple bottom line of Profit, People and Planet that has become the default criteria for corporate social responsibility. The book's central thesis is that it is excellent to see the growth of complementary social tools and different social enterprise applications, but questions whether these are displacement activities avoiding essential system change to corporate ownership and control. The book argues that the original i...


  • <p>Concise, portable, and user-friendly, The Washington Manual of Bedside Procedures focuses on the essential information you need for the preparation, performance, and aftercare of invasive bedside procedures. This practical reference presents brief, logical approaches to invasive procedures commonly performed by most housestaff, with an emphasis on internal medicine and surgery. Using a colorful, step-by-step approach, it provides a clear view of the challenges faced by residents, interns, and medical students, plus offers practical solutions and expert guidance ? all in one convenient and easily accessible source. Offers step-by-step guidance on the indications, contraindications, technique, and potential complications of a variety of invasive bedside procedures. Includes comprehensive coverage of central venous cannulation, radial arterial line placement, endotracheal intubation, lumbar puncture, abdominal paracentesis, thoracentesis, and knee arthrocentesis, as well as univer...


  • <p>An alien pyramid has appeared on Earth, squatting in the middle of Chicago. It is growing, destroying the city as it does and nothing seems able to stop it, not even the might of the US military. Somehow, the alien device is snatching people and for unknown reasons transporting them into worlds of mythology. Dr Lukacs is one of the victims. Granted, he's an expert on mythology. But myths are not something he'd thought to encounter personally. Or wanted to! Sure, he has a couple of tough paratroopers along with him, as well as a blonde Amazon biologist and a very capable maintenance mechanic. Unfortunately, modern weapons don't work, and the Greek gods are out to kill the heroes. </p> <p>Well, yes, they've got Medea and Arachne and the Sphinx on their side (both Sphinxes, actually the Greek version as well as the Egyptian). And at least some of the Egyptian gods seem friendly. </p> <p>But that can be a very mixed blessing, to say the least. Oh, and whatever you dodon't m...


  • <p>Costume designer Alison Freer’s styling kit is a magical bag of tricks, built to solve every single wardrobe malfunction on earth. TV and film productions wait for nothing, so her solutions have to work fast. In <em>How to Get Dressed</em>, Alison distills her secrets into a fun, comprehensive style guide focused on rethinking your wardrobe like a fashion expert and making what’s in your closet work for you. She provides real-world advice about everything style-related, including:</p> <p>? Making every garment you own fit better<br /> ? Mastering closet organization<br /> ? The undergarments you actually need<br /> ? The scoop on tailors and which alterations are worth it<br /> ? Shopping thrift and vintage like a rockstar</p> <p>Instead of repeating boring style “rules,” Alison breaks the rules and gets real about everything from bras to how to deal with inevitable fashion disasters. Including helpful information such as how to skip ironing and the dry clea...


  • <p>Mary Freer imagined a compassion revolution taking place in the healthcare sector. Her dreams turned into actions, and spread like wildfire</p> <p>through the ranks of doctors, nurses, aged care workers, executives, CEOs, not-for-profit leaders and entrepreneurs from London to Australia.</p> <p>What had these professionals so enthralled?</p> <p>A new, research-backed take on the power of compassion. Not fluffy. Not nice-to-have. Not kindness, even. No. This is compassion as a revolutionary act. A swath through bullying, blaming and exclusionary workplaces. A full stop to the many destructive practices that drive down the quality of work performance and wear away our mental wellbeing.</p> <p>This revolution demands compassion both fearless and forthright. It is compassion as a fortress, a balm and a life raft. And the research is clear: compassion is also the path to more productive, more profitable and far friendlier, more fulfilling workplaces.</p> <p>Come ...


  • <p>Fascinating biography of Jeanne d’Albret, Queen of Navarre who was one of the most significant political leaders of her time and a leading light of the Reformation.</p> <p>“Jeanne d’Albret (Joan III of Navarre, l. 1528-1572) was Queen of Navarre, daughter of Marguerite de Navarre (l. 1492-1549) and niece of King Francois I (Francis I of France, r. 1515-1547). She is best known for leading the Huguenots (French Protestants) in the French Wars of Religion (1562-1598) and as mother of King Henry IV of France.</p> <p>Her mother, Marguerite, and father, Henry d’Albret (Henry II of Navarre, l. 1503-1555), both favored religious reform, though neither left the Church, and Jeanne was brought up in a religiously liberal, intellectual atmosphere, tutored from a young age by the Humanist poet Nicholas de Bourbon the Elder (d. c. 1550). She was strong-willed at an early age and consistently followed her own course, openly declaring for the Reformation in 1560 and defying the demand...
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