quantum field theory

Classical Solutions in Quantum Field Theory Solitons and Instantons in High Energy Physics【電子書籍】 Erick J. WeinbergGeometric, Algebraic And Topological Methods For Quantum Field Theory - Proceedings Of The 2013 Villa De Leyva Summer School【電子書籍】 Alexander CardonaQuantum Field Theory【電子書籍】 Mark SrednickiLectures Of Sidney Coleman On Quantum Field Theory: Foreword By David Kaiser【電子書籍】 David DerbesHomotopical Quantum Field Theory【電子書籍】 Donald Yau(出版社)Wiley Quantum Field Theory 1冊 978-0-471-49684-7Perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field Theory An Introduction for Mathematicians【電子書籍】 Kasia Rejzner(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Quantum Field Theory. 1冊 978-0-521-86449-7(出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. A Pedestrian Approach to Quantum Field Theory 1冊 978-0-486-78022-1Quantum Field Theory【電子書籍】 Lewis H. RyderA Combinatorial Perspective on Quantum Field Theory【電子書籍】 Karen YeatsQuantum Field Theory and the Standard Model【電子書籍】 Matthew D. Schwartz(出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. Quantum Field Theory. (1980) 1冊 978-0-486-44568-7場の量子論 第2巻 / 原タイトル:Quantum Field Theory 原著第2版の翻訳 本/雑誌 (単行本 ムック) / F.マンドル/著 G.ショー/著 樺沢宇紀/訳Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Quantum Field Theory【電子書籍】 Evan HughesAdvances in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory【電子書籍】(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Instantons and Large N: An Introduction to Non-Perturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory 1冊 978-1-107-06852-0(出版社)Princeton U.P. Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell - Second Edition 1冊 978-0-691-14034-6Statistical Approach to Quantum Field Theory An Introduction【電子書籍】 Andreas Wipf場の量子論 第1巻 / 原タイトル:Quantum Field Theory 原著第2版の翻訳 本/雑誌 (単行本 ムック) / F.マンドル/著 G.ショー/著 樺沢宇紀/訳


  • <p>Classical solutions play an important role in quantum field theory, high-energy physics and cosmology. Real-time soliton solutions give rise to particles, such as magnetic monopoles, and extended structures, such as domain walls and cosmic strings, that have implications for early universe cosmology. Imaginary-time Euclidean instantons are responsible for important nonperturbative effects, while Euclidean bounce solutions govern transitions between metastable states. Written for advanced graduate students and researchers in elementary particle physics, cosmology and related fields, this book brings the reader up to the level of current research in the field. The first half of the book discusses the most important classes of solitons: kinks, vortices and magnetic monopoles. The cosmological and observational constraints on these are covered, as are more formal aspects, including BPS solitons and their connection with supersymmetry. The second half is devoted to Euclidean solutio...


  • <p>Based on lectures held at the 8th edition of the series of summer schools in Villa de Leyva since 1999, this book presents an introduction to topics of current interest at the interface of geometry, algebra, analysis, topology and theoretical physics. It is aimed at graduate students and researchers in physics or mathematics, and offers an introduction to the topics discussed in the two weeks of the summer school: operator algebras, conformal field theory, black holes, relativistic fluids, Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids, renormalization methods, spectral geometry and index theory for pseudo-differential operators.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Quantum field theory is the basic mathematical framework that is used to describe elementary particles. This textbook provides a complete and essential introduction to the subject. Assuming only an undergraduate knowledge of quantum mechanics and special relativity, this book is ideal for graduate students beginning the study of elementary particles. The step-by-step presentation begins with basic concepts illustrated by simple examples, and proceeds through historically important results to thorough treatments of modern topics such as the renormalization group, spinor-helicity methods for quark and gluon scattering, magnetic monopoles, instantons, supersymmetry, and the unification of forces. The book is written in a modular format, with each chapter as self-contained as possible, and with the necessary prerequisite material clearly identified. It is based on a year-long course given by the author and contains extensive problems, with password protected solutions available to ...


  • <p>'Sidney Coleman was the master teacher of quantum field theory. All of us who knew him became his students and disciples. Sidney???s legendary course remains fresh and bracing, because he chose his topics with a sure feel for the essential, and treated them with elegant economy.'</p> <p>Frank WilczekNobel Laureate in Physics 2004</p> <p>Sidney Coleman was a physicist's physicist. He is largely unknown outside of the theoretical physics community, and known only by reputation to the younger generation. He was an unusually effective teacher, famed for his wit, his insight and his encyclopedic knowledge of the field to which he made many important contributions. There are many first-rate quantum field theory books (the venerable Bjorken and Drell, the more modern Itzykson and Zuber, the now-standard Peskin and Schroeder, and the recent Zee), but the immediacy of Prof. Coleman's approach and his ability to present an argument simply without sacrificing rigor makes his book ...


  • <p>This book provides a general and powerful definition of homotopy algebraic quantum field theory and homotopy prefactorization algebra using a new coend definition of the Boardman-Vogt construction for a colored operad. All of their homotopy coherent structures are explained in details, along with a comparison between the two approaches at the operad level. With chapters on basic category theory, trees, and operads, this book is self-contained and is accessible to graduate students.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • (出版社)Wiley Quantum Field Theory 1冊●著者:Mandl, Franz/Shaw, Graham●和文:場の量子論 第2版●頁数他:492 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Wiley●発行日:2010/4/9


  • <p>Perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (pAQFT), the subject of this book, is a complete and mathematically rigorous treatment of perturbative quantum field theory (pQFT) that doesn’t require the use of divergent quantities and works on a large class of Lorenzian manifolds.</p> <p>We discuss in detail the examples of scalar fields, gauge theories and the effective quantum gravity.</p> <p>pQFT models describe a wide range of physical phenomena and have remarkable agreement with experimental results. Despite this success, the theory suffers from many conceptual problems. pAQFT is a good candidate to solve many, if not all, of these conceptual problems.</p> <p>Chapters 1-3 provide some background in mathematics and physics. Chapter 4 concerns classical theory of the scalar field, which is subsequently quantized in chapters 5 and 6. Chapter 7 covers gauge theory and chapter 8 discusses effective quantum gravity.</p> <p>The book aims to be accessible to researche...


  • (出版社)Cambridge U.P. Quantum Field Theory. 1冊●著者:Srednicki, Mark.●頁数他:658 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2007/1/1


  • (出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. A Pedestrian Approach to Quantum Field Theory 1冊●著者:Harris, Edward G.●シリーズ名:Dover Books on Physics●頁数他:167 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Dover Publications, Inc.


  • <p>This book is a modern pedagogic introduction to the ideas and techniques of quantum field theory. After a brief overview of particle physics and a survey of relativistic wave equations and Lagrangian methods, the quantum theory of scalar and spinor fields, and then of gauge fields, is developed. The emphasis throughout is on functional methods, which have played a large part in modern field theory. The book concludes with a brief survey of 'topological' objects in field theory and, new to this edition, a chapter devoted to supersymmetry.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>This book explores combinatorial problems and insights in quantum field theory. It is not comprehensive, but rather takes a tour, shaped by the author’s biases, through some of the important ways that a combinatorial perspective can be brought to bear on quantum field theory. Among the outcomes are both physical insights and interesting mathematics.</p> <p>The book begins by thinking of perturbative expansions as kinds of generating functions and then introduces renormalization Hopf algebras. The remainder is broken into two parts. The first part looks at Dyson-Schwinger equations, stepping gradually from the purely combinatorial to the more physical. The second part looks at Feynman graphs and their periods.</p> <p>The flavour of the book will appeal to mathematicians with a combinatorics background as well as mathematical physicists and other mathematicians.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わ...


  • <p>Providing a comprehensive introduction to quantum field theory, this textbook covers the development of particle physics from its foundations to the discovery of the Higgs boson. Its combination of clear physical explanations, with direct connections to experimental data, and mathematical rigor make the subject accessible to students with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. Assuming only an undergraduate-level understanding of quantum mechanics, the book steadily develops the Standard Model and state-of-the-art calculation techniques. It includes multiple derivations of many important results, with modern methods such as effective field theory and the renormalization group playing a prominent role. Numerous worked examples and end-of-chapter problems enable students to reproduce classic results and to master quantum field theory as it is used today. Based on a course taught by the author over many years, this book is ideal for an introductory to advanced quantum field ...


  • (出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. Quantum Field Theory. (1980) 1冊●著者:Itzykson, Claude/Zuber, Jean-B.●頁数他:736 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Dover Publications, Inc.●発行日:2006/1/1


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>場の量子論の入門的教科書の邦訳。第2巻では、まずゲージ理論と、場の理論におけるGreen関数・生成汎関数の一般論を提示し、径路積分形式を導入して強い相互作用(量子色力学)を論じる。後半では弱い相互作用の現象論から、理論のゲージ化、自発的な対称性の破れの概念の導入を経て、電弱標準理論に到達する。<収録内容>第11章 ゲージ理論第12章 場の理論の方法第13章 径路積分第14章 量子色力学第15章 漸近的自由性第16章 弱い相互作用第17章 弱い相互作用のゲージ理論第18章 自発的な対称性の破れ第19章 電弱標準理論<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-962994F. Man Doru Furantsu /MANDL FRANZ Shiyo- Gurahamu SHAW GRAHAM. Sho / Cho Kabasawa Uki / Yaku / Ba No Ryoshi Ron Vol. 2 / Hara Title : Quantum Field Theory Gencho Dai2 Han No Honyakuメディア:本/雑誌発売日:2011/05JAN:9784863450820場の量子論 第2巻 / 原タイトル:Quantum Field Theory 原著第2版の翻訳[本/雑誌] (単行本・ムック) / F.マンドル/著 G.ショー/著 樺沢宇紀/訳2011/05発売


  • <p>This paper describes a brief history of symmetry and symmetry breaking in physics, describes the concepts of symmetry and symmetry breaking (both spontaneous and explicit, and explores spontaneous symmetry breaking in quantum field theory, giving examples accompanied by Feynman Diagrams and simplified Lagrangian equations. Finally, some examples of spontaneous symmetry breaking are given for classical systems.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>This text focuses on the algebraic formulation of quantum field theory, from the introductory aspects to the applications to concrete problems of physical interest. The book is divided in thematic chapters covering both introductory and more advanced topics. These include the algebraic, perturbative approach to interacting quantum field theories, algebraic quantum field theory on curved spacetimes (from its structural aspects to the applications in cosmology and to the role of quantum spacetimes), algebraic conformal field theory, the Kitaev's quantum double model from the point of view of local quantum physics and constructive aspects in relation to integrable models and deformation techniques.</p> <p>The book is addressed to master and graduate students both in mathematics and in physics, who are interested in learning the structural aspects and the applications of algebraic quantum field theory.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商...


  • (出版社)Cambridge U.P. Instantons and Large N: An Introduction to Non-Perturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory 1冊●著者:Marino, Marcos●頁数他:376 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2015/9/3


  • (出版社)Princeton U.P. Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell - Second Edition 1冊●著者:Zee, A●和文:場の量子論の要点 第2版●頁数他:608 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Princeton U.P.●発行日:2010/2/5


  • <p>Over the past few decades the powerful methods of statistical physics and Euclidean quantum field theory have moved closer together, with common tools based on the use of path integrals. The interpretation of Euclidean field theories as particular systems of statistical physics has opened up new avenues for understanding strongly coupled quantum systems or quantum field theories at zero or finite temperatures.</p> <p>Accordingly, the first chapters of this book contain a self-contained introduction to path integrals in Euclidean quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. The resulting high-dimensional integrals can be estimated with the help of Monte Carlo simulations based on Markov processes. The most commonly used algorithms are presented in detail so as to prepare the reader for the use of high-performance computers as an “experimental” tool for this burgeoning field of theoretical physics.</p> <p>Several chapters are then devoted to an introduction to simple latt...


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>場の量子論の入門的教科書の邦訳。第1巻では、まず輻射の量子論を簡単に復習してから、ラグランジアン形式の下でKlein‐Gordon場、Dirac場、共変な光子場を導入し、量子電磁力学の摂道論を展開する。Feynman規則を導き、最低次のQED過程、輻射補正、理論の正則化の問題を論じる。<収録内容>第1章 光子と電磁場第2章 ラグランジアン形式の場の理論第3章 Klein‐Gordon場第4章 Dirac場第5章 光子:共変な理論第6章 S行列展開第7章 QEDのダイヤグラム規則第8章 最低次のQED過程第9章 輻射補正第10章 正則化<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-962989F. Man Doru Furantsu /MANDL FRANZ Shiyo- Gurahamu SHAW GRAHAM. Sho / Cho Kabasawa Uki / Yaku / Ba No Ryoshi Ron Vol. 1 / Hara Title : Quantum Field Theory Gencho Dai2 Han No Honyakuメディア:本/雑誌発売日:2011/05JAN:9784863450813場の量子論 第1巻 / 原タイトル:Quantum Field Theory 原著第2版の翻訳[本/雑誌] (単行本・ムック) / F.マンドル/著 G.ショー/著 樺沢宇紀/訳2011/05発売
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